Moon gives the “Best Results” in the 3rd house

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In this article we will try to understand that why Moon give its best results in the 3rd house.

Please Note, this planetary house placement has to be taken as per the Cusp or KP chart, not lagan chart, now why am I using cusp chart, to understand that you must read my article on cusp chart.

Here is the link:

Anyways coming back to the topic:

See, Moon basically stands for your mind or mann. The most difficult task in this world is to tame or control or balance your mind. As if your mind is not stable enough then:

You cannot see the truth (which is Sun)

You cannot do the Justice (which is Saturn)

You cannot apply your logic (which is mars)

You cannot use your intelligence (which is mercury)

You cannot purely love someone (which is Venus)

And obviously you cannot realize your own self (which is Jupiter)

In short, the first and foremost condition for anyone to advance spiritually as well as materialistically is the stability of your mind.

Hence Moon should ideally be placed in the house where it can experience maximum level of stability.

Now if I ask you all that:

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about your own self? The answer No, as if you will keep thinking about your own self then either you will start praising your own self, which will lead to the generation of excessive ego in your personality or you will start finding many faults in your own self. Hence both the scenarios are not good. Here I wish to mention that, seeing one’s own fault is good, but it can be successfully done only when you have the capability of observing or analyzing things with an attitude of self-detachment. Now, 1st house represent your own self, hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be the 1st house, since Self-detachment is not possible or becomes difficult if your moon is placed here, unless this moon is extremely powerful.

Moving ahead quickly:

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about Money, food, family? The answer No, there is no need for any explanation in this. Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 2nd house.

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about home, happiness, properties, vehicles etc.? The answer No, there is no need for any explanation in this. Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 4th house.

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about kids, Job, education etc.? The answer No, Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 5th house.

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about enemies, obstacles etc.? The answer No, Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 6th house.

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about spouse, your image in people perception etc.? The answer No, Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 7th house.

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about death, uncertainty, various struggles of life etc.? The answer No, Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 8th house.

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about future or your own fortune? The answer No, Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 9th house.

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about profession or your career growth etc.? The answer No, Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 10th house.

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about gains? The answer No, Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 11th house.

Can your mind experience stability if it is continuously thinking about loss? The answer No, Hence ideal placement of Moon cannot be in the 12th house.

Now we are only left with 3rd house, which is the house of courage and will power i.e. Prakram Sthan. It’s only the courage or will power which can give extraordinary stability to our mind even under very difficult circumstances.

Therefore moon gives it best results when placed in the 3rd house. Of course holistic analysis of chart is essential before giving any prediction.

Moon also gives good result in 4th house which stands for happiness and 5th house which represent education.

You all also must be thinking, that why Nikhil is not talking anything about the sign which Moon should occupy, so friends if Moon happens to occupy its exaltation or own or friendly signs then obviously that would be an added advantage BUT you all must keep 1 point very clearly in your mind, i.e. BHAVA PLACEMENT of a PLANET HOLDS MUCH more importance than any other factor in Astrology and that is why I am discussing house placement here instead of discussing Moon effect in 12 different signs.

Here, for your information, people like Emperor Vikramaditya, Emperor Amoghavarsha, King Krishanaraj Wadiyar, King Bhimibol and many other top notch leaders, kings, emperors have their Moon placed in the 3rd house as per the cusp chart.

Lastly the placement of Moon in the 3rd house is more desirable than its aspect i.e. placement is always more powerful than aspect.

Do I really need to say anything more about the power of Moon in 3rd house?

Thanks for reading this article.

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