Another number method-Numerology Research

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:

In my last research, I had described that how time could be used to predict the question as well as the answer of the person.

Now here I am giving another method (Basically extension of that method), on how to use numbers to solve any kind of queries.

Step 1

1)      Ask the person “who wants a solution to a certain problem” to choose any number out of 1-720.

2)      Covert number chosen by him into a time format.

Now how to do this:


12:00am or pm- 720 number.

12:01am or pm- 1 number

12:02am or pm- 2 number


12:59- 59 number

01:00am or pm-60 number

01:01am or pm-61 number

01:02am or pm-62 number

01:59am or pm-119 number

02:00am or pm-120 number

02:01am or pm-121 number

02:02am or pm-122 number

11:00am or pm-660 number

11:01am or pm-661 number

11:02am or pm-662 number

11:59am or pm-719 number

Again from:

12:00am or pm- 720 number

Now once you have the number, then you can also find out the corresponding time and as soon as you have the time. Just apply the method which I have given in my last article.

For the sake of your understanding I am reproducing some content from my last article here only:


Hours would be 12:00am-12:00pm, when you will go beyond 12:00pm (Mid day), i.e. 13:00(or 01:00 PM etc, you will again start the counting)


12:00 am= 12 number

01:00 am= 1 number

02:00 am= 2 number

….11:00 am=11 number

Like this till 12:00 pm= 12 number

01:00 pm= 1 number

02:00pm= 2 number

Hence hours will always oscillate between 01 to 12 numbers.


Now as you know that minutes can vary from 00 to 59

So we basically have 2 places:

Like 59 would mean:

9 at units place

And 5 at tens place.

00 would mean:

Both unit and tens place are empty, hence will represent complete free will.


This is the most important part.

Try to focus completely as I am telling you, if you understood this method, it CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE and you know that I don’t joke w.r.t life altering things.

So we will always have 3 numbers in our hand.

For example if LOCAL time at which question is asked is:

11:03am or 11:03pm

3 numbers would be 11, 0 and 3

12:14am or 12:14pm

3 numbers would be 12, 1 and 4

09:56 am or 09:56pm (21:56)

3 numbers would be 9, 5 and 6

I hope you all are getting, how exactly I am asking you to go?

ALSO REMEMBER, one very important thing,


You also need to decide the importance level of each of these 3 numbers.

So it’s very simple.

NUMBER AT HOURS place or 100’s place will have most DOMINANT effect in the prediction followed by number at 10’s place and finally number at unit’s place would have least importance.

So 11:03am or 11:03pm

3 numbers would be 11, 0 and 3

Importance Level would be 11>0>3

12:14am or 12:14pm

3 numbers would be 12, 1 and 4.

Importance Level would be 12>1>4

09:56 am or 09:56pm (21:56)

3 numbers would be 9, 5 and 6

Importance Level would be 9>5>6

Now you all must be wondering that, all this is fine but what do we do with these 3 numbers.

So guys, here is the answer.

Each number has its own significance and planets attached to it.

Hence, here comes something which you all need to remember, people who already know basics of astrology, it would be a cake walk for them, but for most of you out there, my advice would be just sharpen your memory.

Things which each number will govern:

0= very simple, FREE WILL, i.e. if the native is committed to give his best, the result should be taken as positive otherwise not.

Number 1(all matters related to first house in astrology)

Physical body, complexion, appearance, intelligence, strength, energy, fame, success, status in society (social level), nature and place of birth, caste, the Self , personality, temperament, ego, constitution, character, complexion, dignity, general welfare, happiness, splendor, health, vitality, longevity, victory over enemies, vigour. Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body Parts

Head, Forehead and overall appearance

Number 2(all matters related to 2nd house in astrology)

Wealth, speech, family, domestic happiness, food intake, jewels, precious gems and metals, movable property, ornaments, clothes, vision, voice, self-confidence, poetry, learning, education, memory, sources of income Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body Parts

Eyes (general), Right eye (specific), face and neck in general; mouth, tongue, cheeks, nose, thyroid, laughter, complexion etc.

Number 3(all matters related to third house in astrology)

Strength, valor, courage, interests, hobbies, one’s own initiative, sports, assistance, servants, neighbors, friends, colleagues, short-term desires, short trips, short personal contacts, communications, writing, correspondence, computer skills, stamina, fine arts of music, singers, Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body Parts

Upper limbs, Shoulders, Arms, elbows, Hands, wrists, Upper chest (nipples), Right ear

Number 4(all matters related to 4th house in astrology)

Mother, Mind, feelings, purity of heart, happiness & contentment, confidence & belief, close friends, all family members (close relatives), all well-wishers, home, lands, gardens, landed property, houses, agricultural products, vehicles, horses, elephants, moral virtues, belief in and devotion to God, character, good name and reputation. Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body Parts

Chest, Lungs and Heart

Number 5 (all matters related to fifth house in astrology)

Children, Romance, Intelligence, knowledge, education, knowledge of mantras, tantra and yantras, spiritual practices, judgment, discretion, advice, merits from past life, devotion to gods and Brahmins, deity of one’s choice, virtues, ruling powers, royalty, authority, fall from position, literary works, amusements, enjoyment, recreation, disciples, wealth, prosperity. Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body Parts

Liver, Gallbladder, spleen, navel and kidney

Number 6(all matters related to 6th house in astrology)

Maternal uncle, court cases, accidents, worries, anxieties, obstacles, enemies, challenges, competition, conflicts, litigation, borrowing, debts, diseases, suffering, service Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body parts

Navel area, intestines and digestive tract

Number 7(all matters related to 7th house in astrology)

Spouse, lover, marriage, Long term partnership, sexual affairs, medium-term desires, business partner, co-operation, trade, commerce, travel, journeys, law courts, the world at large. Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body parts

Area below navel (basti area), Colon, internal sexual organs

Number 8(all matters related to 8th house in astrology)

Death, all hidden aspects of life, mysteries, uncertainties, underground, Great Ideas, Intuition, Longevity, transformation, psychic abilities, transcendence, special powers, calamity, big changes, chronic ailments, dangers, agonies, major accidents, battles, wealth of spouse/partners, sudden gain or loss, inheritance, hidden treasures, sea journeys. Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body parts

External sexual Organs

Number 9(all matters related to 9th house in astrology)

Father, Dharma, general fortune, higher education, religion, faith, teachers, worship, visits to shrines, pilgrimages Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body parts

Thigh, hips

Number 10(all matters related to 10th house in astrology)

Kama(Action),occupation, profession, career, reputation, prestige, success and status in society, honor from government, promotion, rank, renown, fame, ambition, happiness, authority, royalty, ruling power, sense of importance, dignity, living in foreign lands, commerce, trade, clothing. Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body Parts

Knees and spine

Number 11(all matters related to 11th house in astrology)

Elder Brother/ sisters, Income, gains, desires, profits, fulfillment of wishes, opportunities, success in undertakings Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this

Body Parts

Calves, ankles and left ear

Number 12(all matters related to 12th house in astrology)

Expenses, losses, spirituality, renunciation, enlightenment, lonely places, charity, journey to far off distant lands, confinement in prison, hospital, monastery, pleasures of the bed, secret enemies, fall, sin. Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this.

Body parts

Feet and left eye

Planets corresponding to each number:

Sun= 1,9,10

Moon= 4

Mars= 3, 6

Jupiter=2, 5, 9, 10, 11

Saturn= 6, 8, 10, 12

Mercury= 4, 6, 10



1= Sun

2= Jupiter

3= Mars

4= Moon and mercury

5= Jupiter

6= Saturn, mars and mercury

7= Venus

8= Saturn

9= Sun and Jupiter

10= Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and mercury

11= Jupiter

12= Saturn.

So, now that you know all the basics, lets come to climax of this article.

Suppose somebody ask you a question, so just note down the exact time.

Suppose the time was 09:15am

Steps to be followed:

1)      Identify 3 number, i.e. 9, 1 and 5

2)      Define the order of dominance, i.e. 9(Hours or 100th place)>1(Minutes-tens place)>5(Minutes-Units place)

[For Astrologers: you may take Hours place equivalent to Mahadasha followed by antar dasha and parayantar dasha, and planets could be also be fixed as per number]

3)      See what all comes under 9, 1 and 5. (Keeping the dominance factor in mind)

4)      Give the prediction keeping in mind planets involved corresponding to identified number.

Example 1:

I have got 20-30 minutes free, so just thought of start taking examples.

Like suppose:
Someone ask you a question at 06:32pm, w.r.t your watch.

So before he asks you the question you must have an idea w.r.t to the context of the question as well as the answer to that question, yes I am serious.

Just refer my article for what I have written w.r.t numbers 6, 3 and 2

Let me just reproduce all that here once again.

Number 6(all matters related to 6th house in astrology)
Maternal uncle, court cases, accidents, worries, anxieties, obstacles, enemies, challenges, competition, conflicts, litigation, borrowing, debts, diseases, suffering, service Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this
Body parts
Navel area, intestines and digestive tract

Number 3(all matters related to third house in astrology)
Strength, valor, courage, interests, hobbies, one’s own initiative, sports, assistance, servants, neighbors, friends, colleagues, short-term desires, short trips, short personal contacts, communications, writing, correspondence, computer skills, stamina, fine arts of music, singers, Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this
Body Parts
Upper limbs, Shoulders, Arms, elbows, Hands, wrists, Upper chest (nipples), Right ear

Number 2(all matters related to 2nd house in astrology)

Wealth, speech, family, domestic happiness, food intake, jewels, precious gems and metals, movable property, ornaments, clothes, vision, voice, self-confidence, poetry, learning, education, memory, sources of income Etc, refer any book on astrology or Google for all this
Body Parts
Eyes (general), Right eye (specific), face and neck in general; mouth, tongue, cheeks, nose, thyroid, laughter, complexion etc.

So three numbers are 6, 3, 2

6 being the most important as , it is there at the hours place

then the importance level will shift to the number 3 and then 2.

So its very simple, the main context of his question will be related to the parameters of Number 6, like context would be w.r.t diseases especially related to Navel area, intestines and digestive tract or w.r.t an accident or w.r.t maternal uncle’s family or w.r.t enemy …etc like this…refer the parameters provided above.

To further identify the deep context of the question and his line of action, we have number 3 , you just have to superimpose the parameters of number 3 on the context derived from number 6, like enemies are troubling him, but he trying to fight them with the help of his strength, valor, courage, intuition, communications, dialogue, with the help of his friends…etc…all these are parameters of number 3.

Now comes the final number 2, which shows that though he is trying to manage things with the help of the parameters of number 3, but still the impact of his confrontation with his enemies, is coming on his Domestic happiness, wealth, money, movable properties, sources of income etc…all the parameters of number 2.



Read this:

Since the number in maximum domination is 6(hours place), so the problem will persist, but it will definitely end since number 6 cannot prolong things beyond a certain point.

2nd point, problem will mitigate only when the native continue to show his strength, valor, courage (all parameters of number 3) i.e. he has continuously keep moving on the lines of number 3.

Finally we have number 2, which means he would able to get auspicious results as number in itself is for wealth, domestic happiness, self confidence and sources of income.

So the end result would be the happy one.

NOW 1 question is still left, you must be wondering that, ok Nikhil said that the problem will persists, but how long will the problem persists?

See I know what you all think. lol

so the answers lies in the experience, i.e. practice makes a man perfect, woman also, don’t worry ladies.

Practice will give you the necessary wisdom and intuition which is beyond concepts.

Try this method; soon you yourself will start automatically giving prediction with timeline.

Difference between:

Question asked at 07:18AM or PM

7= spouse or lover or business or business partnership or marriage related things(refer my initial articles, for all that is covered under number 7)

1= Can Relate to everything connected with self.(refer my initial articles, for all that is covered under number 1)

8= death, age, hidden things, uncertain things , unknown things, long travel, long diseases , struggle etc (refer my initial articles, for all that is covered under number 8)

Result: Some problems in marriage which would take time to get settled, concern w.r.t love life, health hampering the business, struggle in love life or business etc

Importance Level:7>1>8

Question asked at 07:16AM or PM

Result: The intensity in the results mentioned in the above case would get reduced.

6 number can introduce less intense obstacles, court cases, accidents etc (refer number 6)

Importance Level:7>1>6

Question asked at 07:27AM or PM

2= Money, wealth, family etc

Link the parameters of number 7 with the parameters of number 2.

Importance Level:7>2>7

Question asked at 07:47AM or PM

Link the parameters of number 7 with the parameters of number 4.

Importance Level:7>4>7

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Example Based on this research

Assume somebody wants to ask you a question.


Ask him to choose any number between 1-720

Suppose he chooses Number 492

Now convert this number into Time format:

12:00am or pm- 720 number.

12:01am or pm- 1 number

12:02am or pm- 2 number


12:59- 59 number

01:00am or pm-60 number

01:01am or pm-61 number

01:02am or pm-62 number

01:59am or pm-119 number

02:00am or pm-120 number

02:01am or pm-121 number

02:02am or pm-122 number

11:00am or pm-660 number

11:01am or pm-661 number

11:02am or pm-662 number

11:59am or pm-719 number

Again from:

12:00am or pm- 720 number

So 492 would mean, 08:12am or pm (am or pm do not matter) [60*8=480+12 Minutes], so 08 hours 12 minutes.

Now you have three numbers 8, 1 and 2.

8 at hours place, 1 at tens place and 2 at units place.

Number 8 will have to be seen first (denote past).

Number 1 should be seen be seen next (denote present)

Number 2 should be seen Last (denote future)

Astrologers can take number 8 at the place of Mahadasha and can take this Mahadasha lord as the karaka of 8th house, i.e. Saturn, along with the parameters of 8th house.

Number 1 at the place of Antardasha and can take the antardasha lord as the karaka of 1st house, which is sun, along with the parameters of 1st house.

Number 2 at the place of Parayantar dasha and can take the Parayantar dasha lord as the karaka of 2nd house, which is Jupiter, along with the parameters of 2nd house.

Means the running dasha sequence of the questioner would be Saturn-Sun-Jupiter

Now how to answer:

Number 8 has the maximum importance, so question would be linked to Death, all hidden aspects of life, mysteries, uncertainties, underground, Great Ideas, Intuition, Longevity, transformation, psychic abilities, transcendence, special powers, calamity, big changes, chronic ailments, dangers, agonies, major accidents, battles, wealth of spouse/partners, sudden gain or loss, inheritance, hidden treasures, sea journeys. Etc,

Hence the question would have depth and hence would be of a serious nature as a result the solution of that question may not be as simple as you or even questioner may perceive.

As a result the mitigation of the problem (involved in the question) will take time, efforts and mental peace.

Reason is simple, mysteries takes time to resolve, psychic abilities take time to develop, efforts goes into big transformations, it involves lot of time to recover from a calamity or accidents or battles or dangers or sudden loss. Hope you people are getting me.

Next comes Number 1, which has medium importance here, Now this number is directly connected to self, Physical body, complexion, appearance, intelligence, strength, energy, fame, success, status in society (social level), nature and place of birth, caste, the Self , personality, temperament, ego, constitution, character, complexion, dignity, general welfare, happiness, splendor, health, vitality, longevity, victory over enemies, vigour.

This directly means that the question is directly connected to self and nobody else.

Native is worried as something serious has happened with him related to Number 8 parameters and that event or events have directly affected him (his or her, complexion, appearance, intelligence, strength, energy, fame, success, status in society, happiness, splendor, health, vitality, longevity etc)

This also means that though past may not be adorable due to number 8, but present can be revived by self effort as future will favor native due to Number 2.

Note here Number 8 will show past.

Number 1 present and Number 2 will show future.

Number 2 is all about, Wealth, speech, family, domestic happiness, food intake, jewels, precious gems and metals, movable property, ornaments, clothes, vision, voice, self-confidence, poetry, learning, education, memory, sources of income Etc.

So you may safely say that there would be a happy ending after lot of self effort due to number 1 and after fair amount of delay due to number 8.

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