Concept behind planetary lordship allotment for Nakshatras

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Ashvini  (1) , Megha (10), Moola (19): Ruled by Ketu

Bharani (2), Purva Phalguni (11), Purva Ashadha (20): Ruled by Venus

Krittika (3), Uttara Phalguni (12), Uttara Ashadha (21): Ruled by Sun

Rohini (4), Hasta (13), Sravana (22): Ruled by Moon

Mrigashirsha (5), Chitra (14), Dhanishtha (23): Ruled by Mars

Ardra (6), Swati (15), Shatabhisha (24): Ruled by Rahu

Punarvasu (7), Vishakha (16), Purva Bhadrapada (25): Ruled by Jupiter

Pushya (8), Anuradha (17), Uttara Bhadrapada (26): Ruled by Saturn

Ashlesha (9), Jyeshtha (18), Revati (27): Ruled by Mercury

As you all can easily notice, Ketu is the lord of the 1st Nakshatra i.e. Ashvini and the sequence of planetary lordship after Ketu is followed in the below mentioned fashion:

I.e. Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury

The above pattern or sequence gets repeated 3 times i.e.

  1. From 1st to 9th Nakshatra
  2. From 10th to 18th Nakshatra
  3. From 19th to 27th Nakshatra

Even the Vimsottari Dasha (The Most widely accepted dasha system), is also based on the same sequence.

Now, have you all ever wondered that why the cycle starts with Ketu or why Ketu is given the lordship of the 1st Nakshatra, why Venus is given the lordship of the 2nd nakshatra and why exactly the sequence is followed by Sun, then moon, then Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury respectively?

I know, most of you, must be whispering that Nikhil, we never thought that why such specific sequence from Ketu to Mercury is followed.

So friends, you simply need not worry as your friend Nikhil is about to give you the reasoning behind all this and that too in a very short, systematic and logical manner. Please note that the answer to this question is not clearly mentioned in any Astrological book or text and whatever your friend Nikhil will be sharing through this article is part of his research work.

Anyways, let’s straightaway come to the concepts as neither you nor I have the time to waste.

See, as you all know that unless we get rid of all the karmic bondage’s that we all have incurred or accumulated in our past lives, we will keep taking birth on this planet again and again.

Now, Ketu specifically represent our past Karmas and therefore links any two lives, as we take birth because of karmic bondage only. Ketu also represent eternal truth i.e. Moksha or enlightenment and to achieve Moksha or complete purity, one has to pass through the repetitive cycle of birth, death and re-birth.

In short the root-cause behind your birth or your friend’s Nikhil’s birth or for that matter birth of any human is our past actions or karmas which are represented by Ketu only, hence Ketu is given the lordship of the very first Nakshatra (i.e. Ashvini).

Now once it’s decided that we are going to take birth, next step is to attain physical existence through the successful fusion of sperm and egg, which is basically represented by Venus, therefore the lordship of the 2nd Nakshatra (i.e. Bharani) is given to Venus.

Soon after the fertilization, soul attaches itself to the fertilized egg and we all know that Sun is the Karaka of Soul. Hence lordship of the 3rd Nakshatra (i.e. Krittika) is given to Sun.

Mind represented by Moon, comes next into existence in its nascent state, therefore lordship of the 4th Nakshatra (i.e. Rohini) in line goes to Moon.

After the establishment of the objective behind birth, physical existence through fertilization, attachment of soul and initiation of Mind, formation of body as well as energy is needed, that is actually governed by Mars. Hence lordship of the 5th Nakshatra (i.e. Mrigashirsha) is given to Mars.

Now since we have the objective behind birth, physical existence, soul, mind and body, the next step is to focus on all the unfulfilled Karmas or actions which are represented by Rahu, hence Rahu gets the lordship of the 6th Nakshatra (i.e. Ardra) in line. Here point which is to be noted is that each of our karma fails to achieve completion or purity (which is needed for attainment of Moksha) because of Jealousy (Irshya), Anger (Krodh), Want /greed (Lobh), Attraction (Moh), Injustice (Anyaye), Passion/Lust (Kaam), Hatred (Ghradna), Laziness (Aalasya), Ignorance (Agyan), False (Asatya), Fear (Bhaye) and all these parameters are under the scope of Rahu ONLY. Secondly whether it’s Nikhil or you or anyone, no one can escape the parameters of Rahu without the blessings of that almighty.

While walking on the path of Karma fulfillment and after overcoming the parameters of Rahu, soul begins to realize its own self and our self is represented by none other than Jupiter. Therefore lordship of the 7th Nakshatra (i.e. Punarvasu) is given to Jupiter.

Once the soul realizes its own self, purification of actions automatically follows and we all know that Saturn, the most powerful planet (out of all 9 planets), primarily signify the flawless or ideal actions/karmas. Hence lordship of the 8th Nakshatra (i.e. Pushya), goes to Saturn.

Lastly, the ideal or flawless actions leads to the development of supreme intelligence, which is indeed the primary and the most important faculty associated with humans. This intelligence falls under the jurisdiction of Mercury, therefore lordship of 9th Nakshatra (i.e. Ashlesha) is given to Mercury.

Now from the 10th Nakshatra (i.e. Megha) and 19th Nakshatra (i.e. Moola) the planetary lordship sequence repeats itself.

Remember that this planetary lordship sequence i.e. Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury; repeats 3 times covering all 27 Nakshatras. In the first round of journey from objective of birth (i.e. Ketu) to attaining supreme intelligence (i.e. Mercury) is in its early or initial stage, 2nd round represents middle stage and in the last round, the journey completes its final stage.

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