
Dreams indicating Death

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:

Caution: This text is not for children, if your age is less than 16 years then plz dont read this text or read it with your parents.

As per our ancient texts(Jnana Pradeepika) the following dreams may indicate death:


Good and Bad dreams

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:

As per Jnana Pradeepika and Ashtanga Hriaya Classic texts:

There are 7 types of dreams given in our texts:

Dristha(which one may have seen in life)

Sruta(Things heard in life)

Anubhuta(things expereinced through smell, taste and touch)

prarthita(things desired in life)

Kalpita(fancied or imaginary

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