D-60 Chart and Moola dasha

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:https://nikhilastroworld.com/2016/12/17/d-60-chart-and-moola-dasha/

D-60 Chart and Moola Dasha

Moola dasha is the oldest and most accurate tool known to determine the timing of events from shastyamsa chart or D-60 Chart (for all matters).

Before moving ahead, let me tell you that D-60 is the most relevant chart in the whole Vedic Astrology as per Parashar Rishi, since he has allotted 5 points (highest when compared to any other chart) to this chart in the Vimsopaka Dasha varga bal scheme out of the total of 20, Lagan chart has been given only 3 points out of the total of 20 points.

This chart is so important because it can easily distinguish between Twins and that too exhaustively. The reason is simple, it varies with every 2 minutes(Maximum) and if someone is born between those 2 minutes then this chart may even change in the matter of few seconds….For example…if someone is born at 04:00am …and his twin brother or sister is born just after few seconds…then there is a huge possibility that D-60 may also change because 2 minutes is the maximum figure, In this case, assume D-60 is changing at the very next second…i.e. at 04:00:01am….So we can also say that many a times D-60 may also change within few seconds after or before your birth.

When we say that Twins have different D-60 charts, then indirectly we are also saying that their whole life pattern would also be different and there is no doubt in this.

In fact for me Lagan chart (D-1) with Cusp chart, navamsa chart and D-60 chart are the most important charts in any analysis.

Ok coming back to Moola dasha.

Although Moola dasha and vishmottari dasha leads to the same conclusion. In other words they will not contradict the each other results but the fact of the matter is, Moola dasha predominates over vishmottari dasha as far as the accuracy of events are concerned.

One can easily attain the accuracy till day, Hours, Minutes and seconds which even the most experienced astrologers cannot claim.

A breadth of relief is that D-60 chart analysis requires no different set of rules i.e. someone who knows how to see the lagan chart/Cusp chart, then he would be able to analyze the D-60 chart too with the same set of rules, the only difference would be, instead of using Vimsottari dasha system, we need to use Moola dasha system.

IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE IS: This Moola dasha has to be used in reference to only Moon and lagan and reference of Sun should not be considered, though JHora software offers the scope for that too. (What exactly I mean by this statement can be under stood by you, only when you will read the complete article as it also contains information on, how to calculate this dasha)

Actually this dasha is so important because Moola dasha is the actual root cause of the dasha given by vishmottari dasha system because it shows how our “sanchit karmas” of the past influences us, in this life or you can say that whatever events which you would be able to derive through Moola dasha (till the accuracy level of day, Hours and Minute) could also be derived from Vimsottari dasha but the range would be wide.

For example, If Vimsottari dasha will say that a particular event could take place anytime from 01st June to 30th June then Moola dasha will give you the exact date and time of that event within the span of 1st June and 30th June.

Unlike Vimsottari dasha sequence, the sequence of mahadasha’s of planets is NOT constant in case of Moola dasha.

for example in Vimsottari dasha sequence, the dasha of Saturn always comes after Jupiter dasha, after that comes mercury then ketu then venus etc. On the contrary in Moola dasha system the dasha of any planet can come after any planet’s dasha so there is no hard and fast, now why so that you will understand only when you will read the rules about the calculation of Moola dasha more so, dasha span of any planet will also vary in Moola Dasha.

But for a particular chart same planetary dasha sequence will repeat itself again and again.

In a particular chart, span of same planet will always vary even for a repeated sequence.

Standard Rules to calculate Moola dasha from lagan chart(These are the rules, so would be same everywhere)

Moola dasha is derived from the word “Moola trikond”

This dasha is also named as “lagan kendradi grah dasha”

As the name suggests the dasha begins from the Lagan or any other Kendra, whichever is stronger and has planet(s) deposited in them, and is succeeded by the other Kendra’s (having planet(s) in it) according to their strengths. After completing the periods of the planets in the quadrants, the dasha shifts to the planets in the four signs in the Panaphara (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th Houses) and then to the Apoklimas. (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Houses)

However, the following rules apply in deciding which sets of houses – the Panaphara or Apoklimas succeed the initial dasha of the planets in the quadrants.

If the Lagan is an odd sign, the dasha of the planets in the Panaphara ( 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th ) follow the dasha of the Kendra’s.

If the Lagan is an even sign, the dasha of the planets in the Apoklimas (Precedent signs 3rd, 6th, 9th & 12th) follow the dasha of the Kendra’s.

If Saturn is in the Lagan, then irrespective of whether the Lagan is odd or even, the dasha of the planets in the Kendra signs will be followed by the dasha of the planets in the Panaphara (2nd, 5th, 8th & 11th).

If Ketu is in Lagan, then irrespective of whether the Lagan is odd or even, the dasha of the planets in the Kendra signs will be followed by the dasha of the planets in the Apoklimas (3rd, 6th, 9th & 12th).

Sequence of the Dasha.(These are the rules, so would be same everywhere)

In determining the sequence of the dasha of the planets, their relative strengths are to be studied as per standard rules.

Parashara gives four rules for determining the strength of signs/planets (Chapter 46 Sloka 161 to 164). These are as follows: –

The sign with a planet (or with more planets) is considered stronger than a sign without a planet (or with lesser number of planets).

If the signs have equal number of planets, then the status of the planets like exaltation, Mooltrikona, Swakshetra etc, should be considered to declare the stronger sign.

If they are still equal in strength, or without planets, then the natural strengths of Dual signs which are being stronger than fixed signs and fixed signs being stronger than movable signs is considered.

If they are still equal in strength, then the degrees be considered. The Planet with a higher degree (used in Chara Karaka) shall be stronger and shall make the sign stronger.

Period of the Dasha (These are the rules, so would be same everywhere)

Count the number of signs from there to its Mooltrikona sign and subtract the number arrived at by 1. This period is to be subtracted from the number of Vimsottari Dasha years assigned to the planet. The net result arrived at indicates the number of years of Moola Dasha/Lagan Kendradi Graha Dasha assigned to the planet.

Rider 1: Add one year to the final sum if the said planet is exalted and subtract one if the planet is in debilitation.

Rider 2: For the purposes of this Dasha, the count for Rahu & Ketu shall be reckoned to Aquarius and Scorpio respectively as is done in Narayana Dasha.

In case the number of years to be subtracted and the number of years under the Vimsottari scheme are the same wherein the final figure would be zero, then take the full cycle of years under the Vimsottari dasha as the number of Moola dasha years of the said planet in the first cycle. Similarly, calculate the dasha years for the other planets in all the Kendra’s, Panaphara and Apoklimas. After, having completed the exercise for all the nine planets, we get the first cycle of the Moola dasha for the nine planets. This is bound to be less than 120 years (full period of Vimsottari dasha).

The balance years remaining from the first cycle gives the total period of the second cycle (Param Ayus of man is for 120 years; so it is 120 minus the total Moola dasha years of all nine planets in the first cycle). Thus, the second cycle period of the Moola dasha for each of the planet works in the same order during the second cycle and is equal to the Vimsottari Dasha period of the planet minus its Dasha period in the first cycle.

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