Features of GREAT emperor Birth chart or horoscope

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:https://nikhilastroworld.com/2016/12/20/features-of-great-emperor-birth-chart-or-horoscope/

Features of GREAT emperor’s Birth chart or horoscope

Note: Since, this article is part of my research; hence you will not find many concepts or facts listed in this article anywhere else.

First an announcement:

All those people who will read this article VERY CAREFULLY will automatically LEARN HALF of Vedic Astrology and to know the rest half, you would have to really BELIEVE/TRUST that this article does contain half of astrology. Intelligent ones out of you would have already understood what I really mean by this announcement.

Dear friends, you may be a beginner in astrology or a person who is practicing astrology since last many decades, but I am 1000% sure that the concepts and facts mentioned in this article, would be completely mind-boggling or unbelievable for you all. Your friend Nikhil has written about 85 articles till date, this being 86th but as per me, the concepts which I will be revealing in this very article would prove to be off maximum help, to every astrology enthusiast in the whole world.

Now you all must have started thinking that why Nikhil is making such tall claims like politicians in the very beginning of an article but I sincerely assure you all that when you will finish reading this article then, you will automatically understand the real feel behind my announcement and the first paragraph of this article.

Anyways, as usual let me come straight to the point.

There had been lakhs of celebrities and kings on this earth in the last 3000 years but my focus in this article would only be on some of the greatest rulers.

So, I will take birth charts of few GREATEST PEOPLE on earth in the last 3000 years, and then I will extract or highlight the best common features of all those charts.

I know, I know, you will say that Nikhil, all this is fine but there were 10000’s of great people in the last 3000 years, how will you pinpoint the few best out of them and on what basis?

Simple: Like Mughal dynasty had many emperors but Akbar was the greatest of them all, Mauryan dynasty had many emperors but Ashoka and Chandragupta Maurya was the greatest of them all, Qing Dynasty of China also had many emperors but Qianlong was the greatest of them all.  In modern Times there have been 100’s of royal’s and monarchs but none of them could match Queen Elizabeth of England and King Bhumibol of Thailand.  In this fashion I have carefully picked up FEW OF THE most powerful + most influential + most respectable + wealthiest people in the history of the last 3000 years of the whole world. Note, after careful research, some 100 odd more names can also be listed, but to keep the focus of this article, I have only taken 10 such great examples. Rest, when you will carefully read about the following people, then you will automatically understand everything.

Have you heard off these 10 People?

Emperor Vikramaditya

1st Century Emperor, who had ruled over the BIGGEST kingdom till date in the whole world for the longest time, it was during his reign, India was at the pinnacle of prosperity and opulence.  Vikramaditya Empire spread from Indonesia to India to Saudi Arabia, from Tamil Naidu in South India to China to North Korea in north, about ¾ of the whole world was under his control for approx 100 Years. BIG DEAL, right! That’s why I have chosen him.

Refer this Link: http://members.tripod.com/arya_nations/aryanation/id2.html

No emperor in the history of last 3000 years of the whole world can ever match the power, wealth, influence and respect of this emperor. There are numerous stories about him (Nine human gems in his court, every Indian has heard stories of Vikram Betal), just search on net and you will understand.  Vikram Samvat calendar still used in India is after his name.

His Birth Details: 25th Jan 100 BC, 8:24:57am, Ujjain, India (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Jupiter, Venus in 1st house in pieces Asc. , Moon in 3rd house, Rahu in 4th house (Ketu in 10th house), Sun and mercury in 12th house, Saturn in 11th house and mars in 8th house.

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Jupiter, Venus in 1st house in pieces Asc. , Moon and Rahu in 3rd house (Ketu in 9th house), Saturn in 11th house, mars in 8th house, finally Sun and mercury in 12th house.

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart

Emperor Asoka

Who do not know about him, One of India’s greatest emperors of all times, His empire stretched from the parts of the ancient territories of Khorasan, Sistan and Balochistan (un-partitioned) in what is now Afghanistan and possibly eastern Iran, through the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan, to present-day Bangladesh and the Indian state of Assam in the east, and as far south as northern Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. Ashoka is referred to as Samraat Chakravartin Ashoka – the “Emperor of Emperors Ashoka”

It was Ashoka who spreaded Buddhism to all the parts of the world. You may read about him in detail on net.

Any emperor of the west in the last 3000 years was an ant in front of this great emperor.

His Birth Details: 29th Jan 304 BC, 08:29:38 am, Patna, India (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Mars in the 1st house (Pieces Ascendant), Rahu in the 3rd house (Ketu in the 9th house), Moon in the 4th house, Jupiter, Venus in the 11th house and Sun, Saturn, Mercury in the 12th house.

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Mars in the 1st house, Rahu in the 2nd house (Ketu in the 8th house), Moon in the 3rd house, Venus in the 10th house, Jupiter, Saturn in the 11th house and Sun, Mercury in the 12th house.

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart

Emperor Chandragupta Maurya

Again the words are less to describe him; He was the founder of the Mauryan Empire and the first emperor to unify India into one state. His empire extended from Bengal and Assam in the east, to Afghanistan and Balochistan, eastern and south-east Iran in the west, to Kashmir in the north, and to the Deccan Plateau in the south. It was one of the largest empire yet seen in Indian as well as world history. Along with his grandson, Ashoka, Chandragupta Maurya is one of the most celebrated rulers in the history of India and world. His guru or teacher Great Chanakya is another mighty figure in the world history.

People like “Alexander the great” who is very famous in the west, was a peanut in front of this great emperor Chandragupta, Chandragupta became well known in the Hellenistic world for conquering Alexander the Great’s easternmost satrapies, and for defeating the most powerful of Alexander’s successors, Seleucus I Nicator, in battle

His Birth Details: 23rd Nov 340 BC, 08:43:42am, Patna, India (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Jupiter in 1st house in Capricorn Asc., Moon in 2nd house, mars in 8th house, Ketu and Venus in 10th house (Rahu in 4th house) and Sun, Saturn, mercury in 12th house.

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Jupiter, moon in 1st house in Capricorn Asc. , Rahu in 3rd house (Ketu in 9th house), mars in 8th house, Venus in 10th house, Sun & Saturn in 11th house and Mercury in 12th house.

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart

Emperor Akbar

Do I really need to describe him; He was the greatest ruler of the Mughal Dynasty in India who ruled for approx 50 years over India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. Nothing in the whole world could even contemplate to match the wealth, power and influence of Emperor Akbar at that time. So, He also ruled over largest empire in the world at that time.

Once the Emperor Akbar wanted to know how much wealth he had in the treasuries of all the cities in his empire. First he wanted to see how much jewellery and gold he had in the treasury of his famous capital, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. He asked his treasurer to give him a report as soon as possible. The treasurer hired one thousand men (1000 men) who used four hundred pairs of scales, day in and day out. After five months, Akbar called in his son and asked, “What is the report?” His son replied, “Father, the treasurer and his men are nowhere near the end of this monumental task. There is still so much wealth left to measure!” Akbar asked, “How much longer will it take? How much more time do they need?” His son said, “They have no idea how many more months it will take.” Akbar remained silent for a moment. Finally, he said, “Please tell them to stop.” He realized that even the wealth of just one city, Agra, was immeasurable, then how can the collective  wealth in 1000’s cities under his empire could be measured.

During Akbar reign, Indian per capita GDP was highest in the world, such was the wealth of Akbar, and even100’s of today’s “Bill gates” collectively, would fall short of his influence, power and wealth.

His Birth Details: 25thOct 1542 AD, 09:15:45 am, Umarkot, Pakistan (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Mars in the 2nd house, Moon in the 3rd house, Rahu in the 4th house (Ketu in the 10th house), Jupiter, Venus in the 11th house and Sun, Saturn, Mercury in the 12th house.

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Moon, Mars in the 2nd house, Rahu in the 3rd house (Ketu in the 9th house), Jupiter, Venus in the 10th house and Sun, Saturn, Mercury in the 11th house.

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart.

Emperor Qianlong

In short, He was longest serving emperor (more than 60 years) of China in the COMPLETE 1000’s of years of history China. So out of 100’s of emperors which existed in Chinese History, no one can ever match the power, respect and influence of this great emperor. You may read about him on net and you will understand that why I have chosen his case.

His Birth Details: 25th Sep 1711 AD, 08:54:03am, Beijing, China (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Venus, mercury and mars in 1st house in Libra Asc. , Jupiter in 3rd house, Rahu in 4thhouse (Ketu in 10th house with Saturn), Moon in 5th house and Sun in 12th house.

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Venus and mars in 1st house in Libra Asc. , Jupiter in 2nd house, Rahu in 3rd house (Ketu and Saturn in 9th house), Moon in 4th house, Sun in 11th house and mercury in 12th house.

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart.

Due to limitations of time, I will not be describing the following 5 great personalities; hence you may yourself read about them on net.

Queen Elizabeth

Her Birth Details: 21st April 1926 AD, 02:40am, London, UK (Available on net)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Ketu in 1st house in Sagittarius Asc. (Rahu in 7th house) , Jupiter and mars in 2nd house, Venus in 3rd house, Mercury in 4th house, Sun in 5th house, Moon in 8th house and Saturn in 12th house.

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Jupiter, Venus, mars in 1st house in Sagittarius Asc. , Sun and mercury in 2nd house, Moon in 7th house, Saturn in 9th house and Ketu in 12th house (Rahu in 6th house).

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart.

King Krishna Raj Wadiyar of Mysore

His Birth Details: 04th June 1884 AD, 09:16:03am, Mysore, India (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Jupiter, Venus in 1st house in Cancer Asc. , Mars in 2nd house, Rahu in 3rd house (Ketu in 9th house), Moon in 4th house, finally Sun, Saturn and mercury in 11th house.

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Jupiter in 1st house in Cancer Asc. , Mars in 2nd house, Moon and Rahu in 3rd house (Ketu in 9th house), Mercury in 10th house, Sun and Saturn in 11th house, finally Venus in 12th house.

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart.

King Bhumibol of Thailand

His Birth Details: 05th Dec 1927 AD, 08:44:43am, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Sagittarius Asc. , Jupiter in 4th house, Moon in 5th house, Venus in 11th house and finally Sun, Saturn, mars, Ketu and mercury in 12th house (Rahu in 6th house).

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Sagittarius Asc, Jupiter in 2nd house, Moon in 3rd house, Sun, Saturn and mars in 11th house, Mercury in 10th house, finally Ketu in 12th house (Rahu in 6thhouse).

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart.

King Muhammad Ali Pasha of Egypt, Sudan and Levantine territories

His Birth Details: 04th March 1769 AD, 08:24:20am, Kavala, Greece (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Venus in 1st house in Aries Asc. , Mars in 2nd house, Ketu, Saturn in 3rd house (Rahu in 9th house), Jupiter in 8th house, Moon in 10th house, Sun in 11th house, finally mercury in 12th house.

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Venus in 1st house in Aries Asc. , Mars in 2nd house, Ketu, Saturn in 3rd house (Rahu in 9th house), Jupiter in 7th house, Moon in 10th house, finally Sun and mercury in 12th house.

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

His Birth Details: 07th Oct 1952 AD, 09:37:45am, Saint Petersburg, Russia (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Birth or Rashi or D-1 Chart: Venus in 1st house in Libra Asc. , Mars in 3rd house, Rahu in 4th house (Ketu in 10thhouse), Jupiter in 7th house, Moon in 8th house, finally Sun, Saturn and mercury in 12th house.

Planetary house placements as per Cusp chart or Krishnamurthy chart: Venus in 1st house in Libra Asc. , Mars in 2nd house, Rahu in 3rd house (Ketu in 9th house), Jupiter in 7th house, Moon in 8th house, Sun and Saturn in 11thhouse, finally mercury in 12th house.

Remember planetary house placements as well as actual house lordships have to be seen as per the cusp chart and the sign in which a planet is placed has to be taken as per Rashi or lagan chart only. Refer my write up on Cusp chart.

Now, I have already presented the birth information as well as planetary placements w.r.t all the cases, now your question to me would be, “Nikhil, what next? “, Simple I will be giving you the common good parameters w.r.t all these 10 cases and in the process you will be learning so many rare concepts which you may not find anywhere else.

Before moving ahead let me mention that, it’s not that all of the above charts are just perfect, simply not, each of the above mentioned charts also have some limitations, but our goal would be to learn the best part or best features of their charts.

So let us first learn the highlights of all these 10 charts holistically:

a)     Mahadasha of Jupiter (7 cases out of 10) OR Venus (2 cases out of 10) OR mercury (1 case out of 10) should ideally start between 16 to 40 years of age. Hence the Mahadasha of benefics (especially Jupiter) should ideally start between 16 to 40 years of age. (10 out of 10 cases), Remember your friend Nikhil’s words that this is one of the most important concepts which you all should know.

b)     Benefics in Quadrants are a must as per the cusp chart. (10 out of 10 cases)

c)     Jupiter and Venus BOTH are MOST DESIRABLE in quadrants (6.5 cases out of 10) followed by Moon (4 cases out of 10) and mercury (2 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

d)     Jupiter is most desirable in the 1st house or Aspecting 1st house by being in quadrant (6 cases out of 10) followed by 2nd house (2 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

e)     Venus is most desirable in the 1st house (5 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

f)      Malefics Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Saturn and mars in Upachaya Sthan (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses) are a must as per the cusp chart. (10 cases out of 10, i.e. Each chart has some or the other malefic in Upachaya Sthans)

g)     Mars should be associated with 2nd house, either by presence or by powerful aspect (7 cases out of 10), followed by Upachaya Sthan (2 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

h)     Sun gives best results in 11th house (6 cases out of 10), followed by 12th house (3 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

i)      Saturn gives best results in 11th house or Aspecting 11th house from 3rd aspect (9 cases out of 10).

j)      Mercury gives best results in the 12th house (6 cases out of 10) and followed by other quadrants especially 10th house (2 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

k)     Moon gives best results in the 3rd house (4 cases out of 10).

l)      Rahu gives best result in the 6th house (2 cases out of 10) followed by 3rd house (5 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart. I have rated 6th house Rahu even better than 3rd house, in spite of 2:5 ratio, because of several reasons.

m)   Ketu gives Best results in the 12th house (2 cases out of 10) followed by 9th house (5 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart. I have rated 12th house Ketu even better than 9th house, in spite of 2:5 ratio, because of several reasons.

To understand Raj yogas in depth, also read these articles:

Few other factors which must be noticed:

a)     In all the cases, most of the planets are auspicious from the angle of Shad bal and Non Shad bal factors. (Refer Nikhil’s other articles to know more about Shad bal and non Shad bal factors)

b)     No planets are combusted in these 10 charts, remember, Saturn (as per your friend Nikhil little humble experience by the grace of God), Venus and Mercury (as per Nadi texts and also in my experience) never get combusted.

c)     Ideally No planet should be retrograde (6 out of 10 cases) in the chart, 1 planet is retro w.r.t (3 out of 10 cases), 2 planets are retrograde w.r.t (1 case out of 10)

d)     Planets placed in 1st house should be within 25 degrees from Ascendant degree and should NOT be retrograde. (10 out of 10 cases)

e)     There should be at least 10 degree Gap between Jupiter and Venus and ideally the gap should be greater or equal to 22-23 degrees, in case Jupiter and Venus are close to each other.

f)      POWERFUL Influence of Saturn on 1st house is a must,  especially through 3rd aspect from 11th house. (9 cases out of 10)

g)     3rd aspect of Saturn is ALWAYS THE MOST POWERFUL aspect of Saturn.

h)     Moon Should Ideally, be there in the left side of the chart especially 3rd house, 4th house, 5th house (6 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

i)      Sun Should Ideally, be there in the right side of the chart especially 12th house, 11th house , 10th house (9 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

j)      Saturn Should Ideally, be there in the right side of the chart especially 11th house, 12th house, 9th house (9 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

k)     Mercury Should Ideally, be there in the right side of the chart especially 12th house, 11th house, 10th house (9 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

l)      Jupiter Should Ideally, be there or Aspecting the upper side of the chart especially 1st house, 2nd house (9 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

m)   Most of the planets should be in the upper half of the chart i.e. between 4th house to 10th house (10 cases out of 10) as per the cusp chart.

n)     Most of the planets should occupy the adjacent houses from each other such that most of the houses out of 04thhouse, 3rd house, 2nd house, 1st house, 12th house, 11th house and 10th house are occupied by planets.  (10 cases out of 10)

o)     All the planets which are placed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 11th and 12th houses from each other behave as temporary friends to each other because of this very reason, exalted planets should not be in front of each other as then they block each other’s results.

p)     Birth should be in first half of the day (between 12:00am-12:00pm) (10 out of 10 cases). This is again a very important observation.

NOTE: Though I have taken these 10 great cases, but in my little humble experience by the grace of God, I have also seen the above mentioned highlights getting applicable in 100’s of other celebrity charts.

Just to illustrate you concepts in a very lucid manner, I have taken these 10 examples, otherwise I could also have listed all highlights without taking any examples.

But remember, as your friend Nikhil, always say, that all planets should be auspicious from the angle of Shad bal and Non Shad bal factors. Basically, if a planet does not have enough shad bal, then it cannot deliver auspicious results.

Strength measuring of a planet is done with the help of all the shad bal and non shad bal factors, just a quick briefing for you all:

Strength through Shad bal consists of:

a)     Sthan Bal (contains Uchh bal, Sapt vargaj bal, Oja yugma bal, Dreshkana bal, Kendra bal etc)

b)     Dig bal

c)     Drik bal

d)     Chestha bal

e)     Naisargik bal

f)      Kaal bal (Contains Natonata Bal, Paksha bal, Varsh, Maas, Din, Hora bal, Ayan Bal, Yudhh Bal etc)

Apart from Shad bal factors listed above, you need to see many other Non-Shad bal factors like, determining:

a)     Strength of sign lord of a planet (sign lord has to be analyzed separately for strength with the help of 10’s of other concepts).

b)     Strength of Navamsa sign lord of a planet. (Navamsa sign lord has to be analyzed separately for strength with the help of 10’s of other concepts).

c)     Strength which comes from Vargottam (both Rashi and Bhava) concept.

d)     Strength which comes from Pushkar Navamsa and Bhaga concept.

e)     Strength which gets lost through Combustion.

f)      Strength which gets lost through bad Avastha.

g)     Strength which gets lost through Planetary War.

h)     Strength which comes from different house placements of the planet. (Like mth lord in nth house).

i)      Strength which comes from Argala concept.

j)      Strength which comes from Arudha concept

k)     Strength which gets lost through Marana Sthan concept etc

All these concepts are not part of Shad bal. All these shad bal and non shad bal factors have to be applied w.r.t all the planets, only after that prediction should be made. Please note, if an Astrologer do not know, how to use shad bal and non shad bal factors, then he is bound to make wrong predictions. 

May god bless you all, Regards, Nikhil

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