Fingers interpretations

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:

In the past few years, I have observed the analysis style of many palmists but unfortunately, as usual the people prefer to be more theoretical rather than practical and that is because the implementation process of those theoretical concepts goes without actually understanding them.

Let me take the example of fingers, to make you understand my point.

Palmists are generally are only interested in the length of the fingers and the comparison of their length with other fingers, some will also see the visible bents in them and some may also go to the  extent of observing vertical lines present on the phalanges. Few palmists give lot of importance to the conical or symmetrical, shape of fingers towards end (along with shape of nails). Fair enough, I am not saying that these parameters are not important, of course they are, but palmists should be very cautious that these parameters should not be the starting point of their analysis w.r.t fingers. In other words the, first note on which the analysis will start cast a thumping influence on the final outcome of the analysis.

So let me just start explaining you the approach advocated by me.

See first we need to understand very nature of fingers, calling index finger as Jupiter finger, alone will not serve the purpose.

When we see the index finger and Jupiter’s mount  , we must realize that Jupiter is nothing but Jeeva Karaka (self karaka), next, sun finger and its mount  is your atma karaka or soul karaka, I hope you people realize that Jeeva (self) is different from Atma (Soul), Saturn Finger (Middle one) is your karma karaka (action based), mercury finger (little one) is budhi karaka (Covers thinking, intelligence, memory and speech), Thumb , Mount of venus, moon and mars act as a supportive system to these fingers.

So the information w.r.t to your Self or I should say Outer self has to be seen from Jupiter finger and its mount, supported by mount of moon, mars, Venus and thumb.

The information w.r.t to your Karma (Actions) has to be seen from Saturn finger and its mount, supported by mount of moon, mars, Venus and thumb.

The information w.r.t to your Inner self (Atma) has to be seen from sun finger and its mount, supported by mount of moon, mars, Venus and thumb.

The information w.r.t to your intelligence (Budhi) has to be seen from mercury finger and its mount, supported by mount of moon, mars, Venus and thumb.

Here you can follow that Mount of Venus, Moon, mars and thumb are the common factors in all the above cases.  So you must get a very simple fact very straight that when you are looking at fingers w.r.t any thing, you just cannot leave the support system behind. Hence they should be analyzed along with fingers.  There is not doubt in that.

If this first stone is clear to you, we can move ahead.

Till now most of you must be feeling that yes we have followed the above explanation, but I am sure only few you, would be asking a question that, Nikhil is telling us w.r.t self, soul or karma etc, but why the hell, he is not telling us about the things which comes under the category of these Self(Jeeva), action(karma), Inner self(Atma) or Intelligence(Budhi).

So dear friends, here is the answer:

Self (Jeeva):

a)    General wisdom+ that reflected by support system.

b)    General self confidence+ that reflected by support system.

c)    General leadership qualities+ that reflected by support system.

d)    General behavior+ that reflected by support system.

e)    General materialism in one’s life+ that reflected by support system.

f)     General optimism level+ that reflected by support system.

g)    General self respect+ that reflected by support system.

Action (karma):

h)   General hard working nature (whether he believes in hard work or is he afraid of hard work or he just believe in hard work, forget about practicing it) + that reflected by support system.

i)     General humbleness in the nature (whether he is down to earth or not) + that reflected by support system.

j)     General consistency in ones nature (Practice makes a man perfect, suits here) + that reflected by support system.

k)    General dependability on the person (Whether the person is trustworthy or not) + that reflected by support system.

l)     General vision of the person (How big, wide and clear can he/she visualize) + that reflected by support system.

m)  General seriousness or responsiveness in his nature+ that reflected by support system.

So you can see that how important Saturn is, Saturn qualities make the person an actual, real and genuine human being, hence the support from Saturn is an absolute necessity as all other qualities will only backfire if the Saturn qualities are absent.

Reason is simple if Saturn qualities get missing, the self confidence coming from Jupiter will take the shape of over confidence.

Self respect coming from Jupiter will get converted into BIG EGO.

Hope now you all are little bit following, why initially, I was emphasizing on the approach of Fingers interpretations.

So let’s move ahead, since I can see the smile on all your faces.

Ok enough concentrate.

Soul (Inner self or Atma):

We know that both Jeeva (self) and karma(action) changes with every life but soul, as Bhagwat Gita claims, is indestructible which changes body like clothes and never changes its original form.

In other words Jeeva (outer self with body) experiences the karma phal (actions results) which gets carried over by our soul (inner self) in next birth.

Or you can say that Jeeva (self) does karma (action), which gets attached with our soul and soul would act like a carrier for those karma(action), and this would finally be called as the destiny for the native’s next life(or next birth).

Hence, all the qualities which I have explained for Saturn (karma karaka/action) finally get’s carried over through soul only (or sun finger and mount only). In other words parameters w.r.t all planets in correct form actually affects soul only. Jeeva (self) does action (karma) and Karma phal gets attached to the soul (atma).

Hope, you all, can now understand the linkages between Jupiter, Saturn and sun fingers

Therefore, this fructification of karma, gives rises to the parameters represented by sun:

n)   Actual Inner strength or courage + that reflected by support system.

o)    Authority, name and fame in life + that reflected by support system.

p)    Purity of soul and actions+ that reflected by support system.

a)    Pure spiritualism + that reflected by support system.

b)    Creativity, Talent and divine connection + that reflected by support system.

Intelligence (Budhi karaka):

a)    Communication abilities+ that reflected by support system.

b)    Thinking ability+ that reflected by support system.

c)    Business executing abilities+ that reflected by support system.

d)    Research carrying out abilities+ that reflected by support system.

e)    Memory+ that reflected by support system

f)     Adjusting/ flexibility abilities+ that reflected by support system.

g)    Competing abilities+ that reflected by support system.

So Now you all know what exactly I meant by Self, soul, action and intelligence.

After knowing all these details and background about fingers, you must also see that fingers should ideally be:

1)    Long

2)    Straight (no bends etc.)

3)    Should have equal size phalanges.(with no abrupt lines on them)

4)    Vertical lines on phalanges are good.

5)    Length of fingers should be in proportion with palm.

6)    Ideally speaking, mercury finger should be the smallest amongst all fingers, followed by Jupiter finger, next in length should be the sun finger and finally middle finger should be longest.

7)    Mercury finger should ideally go beyond the 2nd phalange of sun finger, Sun finger should ideally go beyond the half mark of the last phalange of middle finger, Jupiter Finger should ideally reach the half mark of the last phalange of middle finger and finally thumb should reach the half mark of the 1st phalange of Jupiter finger.

8)    Breadth of the fingers should be constant all through the 3 phalanges.

For things like Skin patterns, fingers shapes etc, you may refer any book, as this would save my time.

One very essential point to note: Though I am really pushing against time but still wanted to share this last very important concept with you, as you all would not find it any where:

3 phalanges of in each of our fingers represent our journey of life.

First phalange in continuation to mount represent initial phase of our life (0-30 years) w.r.t the parameters denoted by that finger, middle phalange is about our age bracket of (30-60 years) w.r.t the parameters denoted by that finger and last phalange will denote bracket of (60-90 years) w.r.t the parameters denoted by that finger. Beyond 90 years process will repeat.

First phalange also says about the parameters of planet (corresponding to that finger) in our past life and last phalange says about our next life w.r.t the parameters denoted by that finger.

Many other concepts are also crossing my mind, but I think, that would be overdose for both you and me. So guys Bye and Take care

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