Geometry and Astrology-Bhavath Bhavam(house to house)

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Since the time I am doing astrology, I have not seen or met even a single astrologer who has handled this concept correctly. Though before moving ahead let me tell you that specifically “No text” mentions this concept, but as the time has evolved, this concept founded its relevant place in the “Phalit Jyotish” or “Applied Astrology”.

The very first question which comes to our mind is:

What is use of this concept?

Answer is, it is used to identify the connection between various bhavas in a very simple language, and many a times if someone asks an astrologer to predict something about his career, then generally astrologer would limit him to 10thhouse. If someone asks about his fortune then astrologer would confine himself to 9th house.

Yes a modern astrologer may immediately jump into varga charts like D-10 or D-9 etc and may assume presume that he is going in great detail, but the fact of the matter is, he is actually making a fool of himself and the client.

I have seen one astrologer (don’t want to take any name), who was asked to predict something related to education and that fellow, immediately opened up D-24 chart, with out even bothering to take notice of 1st house, 4th house, 5thHouse, 9th house, their lords, their karakas, their depositors, 5th house from their karakas, D-9 chart etc.

Anyways, coming back to the point, that generally astrologers confine themselves to the very house whose parameters finds the place in client’s question

Marriage- Oh we must look at 7th house

Money- Ohh 2nd house is the place to look at.

This is a wrong approach and Bhavath Bhavam concept, helps in eradication of this faulty approach.

Now the question is HOW?

Correct Usage of this concept, now please read the words of your freind Nikhil very carefully ?

Suppose you want to see the general intelligence of the native then of course first you will focus your attention on:

First step:

1st house, Moon and their depositors (and of course all these planets in D-9 chart), remember the analysis related to any question of the native will start from these 3 things only. Rest all the concepts will come later. Please engrave these words of your freind Nikhil in your soul so that you never forget this concept.

Second Step:

After this you will move towards 5th house (house actually for intelligence)

(5th house, 5th lord, Jupiter the karaka of 5th, 5th house from Jupiter, 5th house from 5th lord, depositor of 5th lord, depositor of Jupiter, then this 5th lord, Jupiter and their depositors in D-9 chart etc)

Now after analyzing this much, in the third step, “Bhavath Bhavam” would make his entry:

Third step:

5th house from 5th house (remember till now we have analyzed, 5th house from 5th lord and 5th house from Jupiter)

This comes out to be 9th house, now just like you have analyzed 5th house, in the similar fashion you would analyze 9th house.

Reason in simple, there is a two way connection between 5th and 9th houses, 5th house is 9th from 9th and 9th house is 5th from 5th. Hence ALWAYS these 2 has to be analyzed simultaneously. This goes without any doubts.(Some additions are also there which I will mention in the end of this article)

In other words malefic influences of 5th house can be countered by benefic influences of 9th house and vice versa. If both have benefic influences, these 2 houses will undoubtedly complement each other.

Fourth and Fifth step:

Yes there are also 4th and 5th steps, but to explain them you all need to know few more concepts.

So let me first make you aware about those concepts, which also forms the part of my research. So just keep on reading, soon I will reveal them.

BUT first let me also describe you all that how this principle SHOULD NOT be used, so that each one of you knows, what not to do, then I will march ahead with its correct usage and those 4th and 5th steps.

Incorrect usage of this principle?

I have seen people making this kind of logic:

1)      Your 7th lord is placed in 2nd house, O my god; nothing can save your married life, why because your 7th lord is placed in 8th house from its own house.

2)      Your 4th lord is placed in 11th house, o gosh, your mother cannot survive, why, yaar it’s placed in 8th house from its own 4th house.

3)      9th lord placed in 2nd house, o shit, your fortune is in trouble, why, 9th lord is placed in 6th house from its own house.

I really feel like slapping such people who apply concepts like these and sell them In the name of BHAVATH BHAVAM. Please dont misunderstand your freind Nikhil’s anger but dear all, This is not Bhavath Bhavam; this is called as a fixation of astrology.

Ridiculous, these people are making a mockery of astrology and fooling people.

So just beware, this is the completely incorrect usage of Bhavath Bhavam.

I know some of you who use these concepts only, must be wondering that why Nikhil is planning to slap us.

Don’t worry; I am just against wrong concepts. To counter the bad points in their own horoscopes, astrologers have invented this new technique, they though if our 9th lord is placed in 6th house, why consider it as bad, why not say, it is placed in the 10th house from itself, so its very good. I would request all the so called astrologers to please stop fooling yourself and others. You people are altering the basic principles of Rishi Parashar that when 9th lord is placed in 6th (trik house) then it’s not a desirable factor.

Ok, coming back, so before exposing you all to those 4th and 5th steps and my research, let me satisfy the minds of those people who have started asking that if 7th lord is placed in 2nd, and if it’s not bad or if it’s Not Bhavath Bhavam, then what does it actually mean or signify.

So here comes the concept of LIFE CYCLE OF ASTROLOGY, after this concept we will move to the climax of this article and Bhavath Bhavam.

Ok so what is Life cycle of astrology?

See apart from predictions, Astrology teaches us a lot more. All the concepts of life can be learnt through astrology.

How, For instance 4th house is 12th from 5th house, it does not mean that when 5th lord is placed in 4th house, it would be bad, NO, instead the LIFE CYCLE of ASTROLOGY teaches us that since 4th house is 12th from 5th house, therefore If you want to gain knowledge, refine your intelligence (parameters of 5th house) then you need to renounce the homely comforts of 4th house.

Take one more example: if 7th house is 8th to 12th house, then it means that if you want to go ahead with your spiritualistic pursuits and have moksha then the parameters of 7th house are detrimental to that path (things like physical part of marriage life, sex, outer world (7th house is also called our face in front of the world) etc), i.e. Our Image, or your Image, i.e. “I” , unless you leave this “I” which is coming to through worldly affairs, you cannot merge with god, to merge with him, you need to surrender your “I” as till then, you cannot advance on spiritual journey. The more you will strive for sexual pleasures, worldly affairs, the more difficult it will get for you to leave or renounce everything in 12th house (house of loss).

Take another example, 10th house is 6th from 5th house, what does this means, i.e. what does life cycle of astrology teaches us from this, it means that your own action or karma of 10th house, Is like an obstruction (enemy, diseases) to your intelligence or education of 5th house. This is a bit tricky to understand, see, though your intelligence is leading to your karma or action (as 10th house is an Upachaya of 5th house) but your action does not promote your intelligence. How, understand like this:

1)      10th house is your occupation, it engages your mind, and i.e. your mind gets occupied; now how can an occupied mind remain free to think freely. Free thinking can only promote your intelligence.

2)      If I ask you to work, go to your office, and also study simultaneously, though many people do it, but point is, it’s hard to balance both studies and professional office work. Point is same, if you are engaging your mind in your official work, then how can an engaged mind involve itself completely in studies.

You must be now getting what I was saying, 10th house is the application of your previously acquired intelligence, but it does not promote intelligence or education.

This is because by default 10th house is 6th to 5th house, but remember it does not mean that when 5th lord is placed in 10th , then it would be bad(this would be incorrect usage of Bhavath Bhavam), NO, in that case you would say that a trine lord is placed in most powerful Kendra hence very auspicious.

Last and final example, since time is really pulling me:

10th house is 2nd to 9th house, now what does this mean, and what does astrology teaches us from here. It says that the actual money or dhana or sustenance of your dharma, religion or fortune is your karma, i.e. from karma or action only you can give strength to your fortune or dharma.

Now let me come to my research and those 4th and 5th steps which I have left till now:

This is the most secret and unheard usage of Bhavath Bhavam, as I would attempt to connect geometry with astrology.

I would like you all, just again go through those 3 steps, where I was trying to judge the general intelligence of the native.

I started from 1st house, moon, then shifted my focus on 5th and then to 9th as 9th house is 5th from 5th house.

Now moving ahead

See 5th house is not only 9th from 9th house but its also 3rd from 3rd house.

As a result 5th house is actually the destination of both 9th and 3rd houses.

YOU MAY DRAW a right angled triangle between 3rd, 5th and 9th houses, whose vertex lies in 5th house.

The significance of this triangle is whenever you will see anything w.r.t 5th house, 3rd and 9th house should automatically be given due consideration.

Reason being there is a direct link between 3rd & 5th (5th is 3rd from 3rd) and 9th & 5th (5th is 9th from 9th) hence an indirect link between 3rd and 9th houses.

In the similar fashion we could have 4 other triangles.

1)      9th, 11th and 5th (9th being the vertex, 9th house is 11th from 11th and 5th from 5th)-Right angled triangle.

2)      4th, 7th and 10th (7th being the vertex, 7th house is 4th from 4th and 10th from 10th) – Right angled triangle.

3)      2nd , 3rd and 8th (3rd being the vertex, 3rd is 2nd from 2nd and 8th from 8th)

4)      12th,11th and 6th (11th being the vertex, 12th from 12th and 6th from 6th)

5)      And last I have already explained you, 5th, 9th and 3rd (Vertex being 5th, 5th is 3rd from 3rd and 9th from 9th)- Right angled triangle

Now, few things you must notice:

1)      1st house is left out, it is only connected with 7th house (7th from 7th house), that’s why you must have heard that kundalani awakening is only possible through 7th house. Apart from this 1st house has no link with any other bhava, though can influence any other bhava. In other words planets in lagan or 1st house helps native to directly command over other houses without getting involved in their respective matters. This has a much greater significance, which I will explain to you later.

2)      All the vertex houses of 5 triangles described above, i.e. 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th house are odd signs and houses. (you may recall a Raja yoga which says if all the planets occupy the odd signs then its leads to a great emperor, hope you are getting the reason behind these kind of raja Yogas, as it indirectly says that all houses should get activated, if all the vertex houses has the planets all the houses of chart will simultaneously get activated because of triangle rule, obviously strength of the planets etc has to be checked)

3)      No vertex houses lies in any Arth trikonas (2, 6, and 10) or moksha trikonas (4th, 8th and 12). It only covers 2 dharma trikonas (5th and 9th) and all three Kama trikonas (3rd, 7th and 11th). Why? This again is a long chapter; have to write another article on it.

Till then take care.

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