Important Tips-Palmistry & Astrology

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Palmistry and Astrology-Extremely Important Tips

1) First thing which is to be noticed on hand is its general formation, which includes shape of fingers, thumb, palm and overall hand.

I will not make things complex for you all by writing the kind of hands, types of fingers, different types of thumb which generally all the palmistry books have because what happens is when a person tries analyze his or her hand they get confused and then find themselves stranded in the midst of so many connotations and terms that the basic common sense, intuition or wisdom which is very important for any analysis of these divine things, simply evaporates.

Hence I have decided to keep things very simple so that the person who does not know anything about palmistry can also dream to become a palmist and I am really serious on this.

2) In the process of looking at hand w.r.t first point, try to observe few basic things which are generally neglected by even palmists:

Like for example

a) Combined Area of fingers is very small or very large when compared to palm, which is generally not a very good thing to happen, fingers length and area should be proportionate w.r.t Palm…and to see this you don’t have to be a palmist, just apply your common sense. There has to be a balance and when things are not in balance they will look awkward and if this proportionality is getting disturbed, you should be able to make out that awkwardness. What would be the effect of this disturbance? This question should come later, what is important in the first step is to make out the deviation from Ideal condition i.e. you should first know that what is right and what is wrong. How much right or how much wrong and the consequences of that right/wrong these questions will come later.

b) Weak Thumb, very small thumb should immediately come to your notice.

c) Any deviation from the ideal Length of fingers should also capture your attention, i.e. though Index finger and ring finger will appear to be of the same size but the ring finger should have slightly greater length, Middle finger should be the longest and little finger should reach till at least the beginning line of the last phalange of the ring finger. So any deviation from the above 3 points should be noted down, consequences we will discuss later but first understand the deviations from the ideal scenario.

d) Breadth of the hand in the area of palm and in the area of fingers should be more or less equal.

e) Each finger and thumb should be divided in 3 phalanges only; number should not be 2 or 4.

f)  Finger should be strong & straight without any bend or so.

Etc…that is things like these…should be immediately detected and noted down.

3) Next thing which requires attention is the background color of hand, smoothness and hardness of hand.

Ideally speaking background color of the hand should be pinkish, neither very red nor pale yellowish kind. Secondly hand should not be hard and should be a bit paddy too.

4) Minimum Number of hair should be present at the back of the hand.

5) Hand should attract minimum level of perspiration.

6) Now come to the mounts, lines, nails and signs.

a) Lines should be continuous, thin (i.e. breath of the line should be minimum), should not be very deep and dark, color should be light brownish, light pinkish.

b) Remember any downward branches from any line are bad, upward branches are generally good (but not always).

c) There should be minimum number of lines on the palm as too many lines are not desirable just like too many cooks spoil the food.

d) Those minimum lines are Heart Line (Aayu rekha or bandha rekha), Head line (Dhana rekha or Matri Rekha), Life Line (Atma Rekha or pitri rekha or gothra Rekha), sun Line (Kamala rekha or Surya rekha or Vidhya Rekha), Mercury Line (Bala rekha or budh rekha), griddle of Venus (mandoshnada rekha), fate line (Indira rekha or bhagya rekha).

e) Few other non compulsory lines which are good are Rascettes of venus( Mani-Bandha Rekha or yav rekha), vertical line on the mount of Saturn (kaamhastika Rekha), 3-4 vertical lines on the mount of Sun (Korpara Rekha), Vertical line on the first Phalange of Index finger(Jupiter Finger) (Dharani rekha), vertical line on the mount of Sun( Hemavalli Rekha),3-4 vertical lines on the 1st phalange of index or Jupiter finger (Varishta Rekha), small ring like line on the mount of Saturn (Hara rekha), small ring like line on the mount of Jupiter (Diksha rekha), Slanting line on the mount of mercury( Mahi Rekha).

f) There are some other lines too, which depicts children etc, which I will describe later.

But do remember…again I am saying… Lines should be continuous, thin (i.e. breath of the line should be minimum), should not be very deep and dark, color should be light brownish, light pinkish.

g) All the mounts should neither be over established nor should be under established, they should be well established, and again common sense and experience will tell you what is well established.

h) Name/place of the mounts are as under, Mount of Jupiter(below index of Jupiter finger) also called Pithru(Father) sthan, Mount of Saturn(below middle or Saturn finger) also called Mathru(Mother) sthan, Mount of Sun(below Ring of Sun finger) also called Vidhya(education) sthan, Mount of Mercury (below Little of Mercury finger) also called Jaya(spouse)sthan, Area just below the mount of mercury(Upper mount of mars)- Dharma(religion) sthan, As per Indian Palmistry there are 3 different places identified on the mount of Venus(area below the thumb surrounded by Life line or atma rekha), i.e. area just below the mount of Jupiter or Lower mount of mars-Shatru (enemy) sthan, Area just below the Shatru(enemy sthan)- Brathru(siblings) sthan, Area Just below the Brathru sthan- Bandhu(relatives) sthan.

i) There are 2 more different areas identified on the fingers, i.e. Left side of the 2nd Phalange of mercury finger- Putra sthan(Children house) and Left side of the 2nd Phalange of Saturn finger-Putra sankhya sthan( Number of children house)

j) You can very well see that 5th house results of the birth chart should be seen from the Mount of Sun(below Ring of Sun finger) also called Vidhya(education) sthan, Left side of the 2nd Phalange of mercury finger- Putra sthan(Children house) and Left side of the 2nd Phalange of Saturn finger-Putra sankhya sthan( Number of children house)

k) 9th House results of the birth chart can be seen from, Area just below the mount of mercury (Upper mount of mars) – Dharma (religion) sthan and Mount of Jupiter (below index of Jupiter finger) also called Pithru (Father) sthan.

l) 6th House results of the birth chart can be seen from area just below the mount of Jupiter or Lower mount of mars-Shatru (enemy) sthan on the mount of Venus. (Area below the thumb surrounded by Life line or atma rekha)

m) 7th House results of the birth chart can be seen from Mount of Mercury (below Little of Mercury finger) also called Jaya (spouse) sthan

n) 3rd House results of the birth chart can be seen from Area just below the Shatru (enemy sthan) – Brathru (siblings) sthan.

o) 4th House results of the birth chart can be seen from Mount of Saturn(below middle or Saturn finger) also called Mathru(Mother) sthan and Area Just below the Brathru sthan- Bandhu(relatives) sthan.

p) 1st House results of the birth chart can be seen from the whole palm.

q) 8th House Results of the birth chart can be seen from the whole region where palm starts. Place just above the Rascettes of Venus (Mani-Bandha Rekha or yav rekha) and last phalange of the thumb should also be taken into consideration

r) 2nd house Results of the birth chart can be seen from the centre of the palm.

s) 11th house Results of the birth chart can be seen from the mount of moon (area just below the Dharma (religion) sthan and Mount of Jupiter (below index of Jupiter finger) also called Pithru (Father) sthan.

t) 10th house Results of the birth chart can be seen from the region which lies in between the Heart Line (Aayu rekha or bandha rekha) & Head line (Dhana rekha or Matri Rekha)

u) Finally 12th House results of the birth chart can be seen from region which lies in between the mount of Venus and Mount of moon, 1st and last phalange of the thumb and some people also take last phalange of the Saturn Finger (middle) into consideration.

Ok, so too much for now, will continue with more tips in my next article, will tell you in deep about nails, signs and everything which is necessary.

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