Observations on Divisional charts

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:https://nikhilastroworld.com/2016/12/17/observations-on-divisional-charts/

Observations on Divisional charts

Starting with Dasamsa chart (D-10), as I have already written about Navamsa chart in a separate thread.

D-10(dasamsa)- I am here sharing with you very rare information, so just try to understand this.

General happiness from career should be seen from dasamsa lagan.(strength of 10th lord should also be seen from D-10, apart from seeing it in D-9)

3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th house (that is houses Kendra from 3rd house) are of prime importance in D10. [3rd lord,10th lord of lagan chart, association with these houses is very beneficial and auspicious], all the auspicious planets including 3rd and 10th lord (of lagan chart) are most welcome in these houses.

(Note:-3rd house denotes Prakram, your own efforts, It has kundalani energy of 9th house in it, that’s why it becomes all the more important in D-10, D-10 represent our career which is run by our own efforts and karmas, fortune aspect comes in D-9)

Planets in 4th (auspicious ones) increases struggle in the career, malefic planets in this house mitigates struggle.

All kinds of planets, benefic or malefic give auspicious results in 10th house of D-10.

Auspicious planets in 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses Favors the growth in career (that is Panaphara houses), malefic here do not promote the growth path.

10th house planets are always good in D-10(benefic or malefic)

Again I am saying; do not use the concept of Arudh in divisional charts.

‎7th house of D-10 should have benefics only as they will also aspect lagan of D-10.

To be very brief most important house after lagan is 3rd house in D10 chart.

Most important house after lagan of navamsa chart is 9th house in navamsa chart.

That is why D-10 and D9 chart are complementary in a manner.

D-9- represent general fortune

D-10- represent general own efforts (or own karmas)

That is why 3rd house being the first UPACHAYA gain maximum importance in D-10(after its lagan bhava)

and 9th house being most important trikond of dharma and fortune gains maximum importance in D-9(after its lagan bhava)

Coming to Shatyamsa chart (D-60), I will talk about this chart in detail in a separate article but for the time being. Just a brief;

1) All the matters should be extensively seen from this chart, this chart have the maximum importance out of all the charts (Even more than navamsa and lagan chart)

2) Concepts of Arudh CAN be used in D-60(this chart is an exception), like Upa pad etc.

3) Should be used in with respect to Moola dasha.

4) Budhi-gati dasha, AK Kendradi dasha also works well with D-60 chart

I don’t have time to write big stories of D-charts, therefore just the main tips.

Hope it helps.

1) D-12 or dwadasamsa chart should be seen for understanding the “BASIC PATTERN of DESTINY”, some call it a Birth chart of last incarnation.(I also agree with this).

D-60 chart HAS the “SUMMATION FAL” of all the births that we have experienced in the past lives till the last birth (could be 10 births, could be 80 births or more than that)

but if you just want to know about your past birth, D-12 is the chart to look for.

Yes people use it for seeing PARENTS, this is also correct, If anyone think sensibly, he/ she will immediately accept that parents are NO LESS than GOD for human beings, that’s why parents have been given the “PLACE OF GOD” in our Vedas.

Lord Ganesha was chosen as the first one to be preached among all the devtas just because he had applied this very concept. We all know the story ( how he had done the parikrama of lord shiva and goddess parvati 3 times and defeated kartikye in bet to revolve 3 times around the world) , Lord Ganesha had assumed his parents, as his world.

‎2) Again do not use Arudh concept in any divisional chart except D-60

3) General happiness from parents should be seen from D-12 lagan

4) Strength of 4th lord, 9th lord, sun and moon should be further checked in D-12(apart from checking them in D-9).

5) The next most important house in D-12 after D-12 lagan is 4th house, therefore Kendra from 4th house (7th, 10th, 1st) must have placement of auspicious planets for good general destiny and parental happiness.

Generally 1st house-Represent this birth

5th house represent past birth

9th house represent future birth

Keeping this in mind, read this;

6) As I have said earlier also in one of the threads.

12*1=12— Therefore D-12 reflects basic destiny pattern of this birth.

12*5=60— therefore D-60 has summation results of all the past births (that’s why most important chart), Earlier also I have dedicated 2 or 3 threads on D-60.

12*9=108— Therefore D-108, is none other than the FUTURE chart (IT shows our next birth) – I have earlier also dedicated a whole thread on D-108.


Nadiamsa- gives the MOST SPECIFIC PATTERN OF OUR DESTINY; this chart is nothing but our soul.

This is the most phenomenal chart and is beyond our scope of intelligence, simply Transadental.

Since its very difficult to fix this chart, would not speak much about this but just to give a brief that whole NADI JYOTISH IS BASED ON THIS.

Shukra nadi, dhurav nadi, all 7 saptrishi nadi’s (like vashisht nadi, agasta nadi etc) , Chandra nadi(also known as deva keralam in south), guru nadi etc.

Huge volumes of texts on nadi Jyotish use the dwadasamsa lagan or Trimsamsa or Nadiamsa lagan (also known as komalamsa or the sensitive point) for accurate prediction

Yes this chart is even better than D-60

A bit of justification on D-12

Basic pattern of destiny means, D-12 could tell you.

your minimum level of achievements, you could say that , I will experience AT LEAST this much of fortune for sure that at least level is decided by D-12, Its like your basic skeleton, starting level fat you have, starting level muscles you have.

Now How much extra (over and above fat, carbohydrate, muscles you have) that would be decided by D-30, D45, D60 and D150

You must also remember that your Janma nakshatra, your lagan chart and your D-12 all are connected.

General Note:

D-12 is not more powerful than D-60 or D-150(these are the most ultimate charts)

So try to understand , everything in astrology go in synchronization …Now what do I mean by this..?..just read very carefully.

Like for example birth chart(D-1) and navamsa chart(D-9) of the native is very good…

Now in the above scenario, the D-12, D-60 charts would also be good…for that native…things dont contradict in jyotish…it may happen that from the parental aspect things are not so good in D-12 (In that condition, that would be visible in lagan chart too)…but from the fortune aspect D-12 will only compliment the indications of D-1 and D-9.

Difference occur when any one of D-9 and lagan chart is not very good…(but one is very good)…in these cases D-12, D-60 will have a FINAL say.

But this will not happen that D-1,D-9 are very very good and D-12 or D-60 are very bad….(the difference could be D-12 or D-60 are average or good or very good or excellent…but they would NOT be bad or very bad.)

Here are some things to help you understand the nature of the Vargas.

The Vargas can be divided into groups of 12, each corresponding to a different Graha. Within each group of 12, only certain Vargas are considered important by Parasharaa.

Vargas 1-12 are the Sun. This is the set that shows the manifested things in our lives, all of our relationships, etc. This set includes eight important Vargas: the rasi, the hora, the drekkana, the chaturthamsa, the saptamsa, the navamsa, the dasamsa, and the dvadasamsa.

Vargas 13-24 are the Moon. This set shows our psychological reality, our internal perceptions, and emotional well-being. This set includes three important Vargas: the shodamsa, the vimsamsa, and the chaturvimsamsa. These three Vargas correspond to the three moksha houses also: 4th, 8th, & 12th respectively.

Vargas 25-36 are Mars. This set shows the part of our life where we are meant to assert our will, fight for what we want, and actually make changes to our fate. This set includes two important Vargas: the bhamsa and the Trimsamsa. The Bhamsa has to do with our strengths & weaknesses, which basically comes down to character flaws that we are meant to work on in this life through our efforts. The Trimsamsa shows disease, but specifically diseases that we are meant to improve through making effort and choosing a healthy lifestyle.

Vargas 37-48 is Mercury. This set shows our material well-being in general, and includes two important Vargas: the Khavedamsa and the Akshavedamsa. The Khavedamsa is used specifically to predict issues with our material world, which can include anything from physical health to finances and property. The Akshavedamsa is used to fine-tune predictions of other Vargas.

Vargas 49-60 is Jupiter. This set shows our deeper spiritual nature, and includes only one important varga: the shastyamsa. This varga is very sensitive to birth time accuracy, so it is important to have an accurate birth time. This chart is used to fine-tune predictions of other Vargas. Parasharaa lists this varga as being more important than many of the others, so a lot of insight can be gained into a person’s deeper nature from it and their destiny. It can be used in the case of twins to differentiate their individual karmas.

Each varga has a primary house that is the most important house to consider in that varga. Here is a list:

Rasi (D1) – 1st house

Hora (D2) – 2nd house

Drekkana (D3) – 3rd house

Chaturthamsa (D4) – 4th house

Saptamsa (D7) – 7th house

Navamsa (D9) – 9th house

Dasamsa (D10) – 3rd house, 10th house

Dwadasamsa (D12) – 12th house

Shodamsa (D16 ) – 4th house

Vimsamsa (D20) – 8th house

Chaturvimsamsa (D24) – 12th house

Bhamsa (D27) – 3rd house

Trimsamsa (D30) – 6th house

Khavedamsa (D40) – 4th house

Akshavedamsa (D45) – 9th house

Shastyamsa (D60) – 12th house

Note: that above does not mean that other houses are not important at all..

For the saptamsa, the most important house is the 7th rather than the 5th. Children should be read from the 5th house. But the 7th is the house of sex and procreation. So if a person wants to have kids, they need a strong 7th house in the saptamsa.

Here I want to mention that: though saptamsa chart is considered for children but astrologers forget that the cause of Progeny is none other than Spouse.

Therefore Saptamsa chart should also be seen for few parameters related to spouse and married life.

Now you all must be wondering that , if that is the case what is the difference between Navamsa and saptamsa.

Let me explain.

Always remember.

There are two very basic reasons for marriage.

1)For obtaining a companion, who could help the native to follow his Dharama path in a right manner. This actually in true terms helps the native to refine his fortune(progression towards GOD)

Now Fortune and Dharama are the parameters of 9th house.

2) For obtaining Kids, as through them only a family could be extended.

The fulfillment of the first objective should be seen from navamsa chart, i.e D-9 supports the spiritualistic side of marriage.

The fulfillment of the second objective should be seen from D-7, as this chart supports the materialistic part of the marriage including progeny.

Therefore D-7 should also be seen not only for sex life but also for looks of the spouse.

In this matter 7th house of D-7 plays an important role.

It is said that character of the children comes from their mother and they acquire intelligence from father.

Therefore D-7, should also be seen for the character of the spouse and intelligence of the native.

The above is logical simply because right from looks of spouse to sexual life to children etc represent materialistic side of married life which is under the jurisdiction of D-7

Therefore 5th house of D-7- Children

7th house of D-7-looks of spouse, sexual life

n brief summary

From D-9 one should see (R*9)-9th harmonic.

  • Spiritual side of spouse and married life
  • Character of the spouse
  • Nature of the spouse.(Inherent)
  • Skills of the spouse (they are inherent and are not material)
  • Sexual life (i.e. spiritual satisfaction from sex)
  • Family status (this is also seen from Upa pad lagan in rashi chart)
  • Fortune from marriage
  • General fortune and general strengths of planets

From D-7 one should see (R*7)-7th Harmonic

  • Material side of the spouse and married life
  • Character parameters of the spouse WHICH GETS TRANSFERRED TO CHILDREN
  • Looks of the spouse.(material)
  • Sexual Life (i.e. Physical satisfaction from sex)-This is different from AL7 in lagan chart which shows the perceived physical relationship.
  • Children or progeny.(again Material)
  • Intelligence parameters of the native himself, WHICH GETS TRANSFERRED TO CHILDREN.(Note here we are not talking of the complete intelligence which native has)

Note: Character of the spouse should be seen from both the charts as this parameter extends to both spiritual and materialistic side of the marriage.

Break in marriage (i.e. Divorce) should be seen from BOTH the charts.

Notice the D16, D20, & D24 are all related to the three moksha houses. These three charts should be read together for psychological issues. D16 is our basic well-being, D20 is how we fight our inner battles, as well as our ability to have a spiritual practice that helps us through psychological problems. D24 is our ability to come to a deeper understanding. D24 is the chart of education, but specifically it is called the chart of “perfected knowledge”. Perfected knowledge comes from letting go of our illusions, which is the domain of the 12th house. So the D24 is as much about un-learning as it is about learning.

Notice the two Mars-ruled Vargas; D27 & D30 correspond to Mars houses: 3rd & 6th. These are Upachaya houses and house of ego, where we are meant to fight against our fate and improve our situation through effort. The 3rd is a very important house for the strength of our character and our courage in the face of adversity. The 6th house is about dealing with specific problems, especially health issues.

In addition to this, the first eight Vargas also have an important karaka planet. As a set, these Vargas are ruled by the Sun, but each varga within the set has an important Graha. It is easy to remember, as they go in the usual order.

Rasi – Sun

Hora – Moon

Drekkena – Mars

Chaturthamsa – Mercury

Saptamsa – Júpiter

Navamsa – Venus

Dasamsa – Saturn

Dvadasamsa – Rahu & Ketu

From the above, it could be noticed that karakas for:

Saptamsa – Jupiter

Navamsa – Venus

This is the reason why we see Venus in male charts (as a marriage karak and spouse Karaka)

and Venus & Jupiter both in Female charts (as a marriage karak), mars is the Husband Karaka

Since Jupiter rules the progeny chart (i.e. saptamsa) which is a reserved aspect of females only. Men cannot support Progeny.

Similarly Venus represents Sperm, which is primarily the forte of Men.

That is the reason why we give maximum importance to Jupiter in saptamsa chart (represent progeny and sexual life-physical aspect) and maximum Importance to Venus in Navamsa chart.

Jupiter is also the karaka for children which we see in saptamsa chart.

Just go through this link for Hora chart (D-2)


We all have studied a lot about navamsa chart, but even astrologers are not that aware about the actual implications of D-7 chart, Astrologers would definitely include D-7 in calculating the shad bal but still the actual spirit of D-7 is still unearthed.

Before diving deep in Saptamsa.

Let us first understand more about 7th house in lagan chart as D-7 is nothing but the deepest reflection of 7th house only..

In the seventh house of Vedic astrology we have ,Saptama; Jamitra; Chittottha (desire); Kama; Dvuna (love); Madha (passion); Gamana (cohabitation); Astha – setting; Advan (a way or road); Lok (public); Kalathra (wife or husband); Pathni; pathi; Kalathrasampat (dowry).

So, having gone through the above mentioned information, its quite clear that 7th house is extremely important in chart analysis and therefore the importance D-7 comes into the scene.

Its also quite evident that whatever aspects I had mentioned just now, all of them could be accurately seen through Saptamsa chart.

Though I have already mentioned all of those things which should be seen here in this chart, but still few of the important ones on the basis of above are:

1) Our Reputation on this planet (as 7th house deals with all kind of permanent transactions, Partnership, How we deal with outer world)-Specially 7th house of D-7

2) The above point could also be written in terms of Fame that is the fame native enjoys.

3) All major journeys.

4) Our Driving force (planets well placed here in this chart – especially in Kendra, trikond, 2nd and 11th house) w.r.t parameters represented by that planet.

(This should be seen along with the Initiative aspect which is seen from Cyclical or harmonic chaturamsa, H-4, refer the thread of Harmonic divisional charts)

5) 2nd house in D-7, represent the prosperity in our family because of our children.

Arudh concept is meant only for lagan chart, but many astrologers wrongly apply it on other divisional chart.

We should understand that divisional charts are not different from lagan chart; they are the kids of lagan chart only.

When you are analyzing D-9, you are basically analyzing the 9th harmonic w.r.t to rashi chart only i.e. R*9, Therefore analyzing Arudh in D-9 is a non consequential repetitive process as ,Arudh of 9th House that is AL9 serves the need of Arudh in Navamsa, therefore if you again start analyzing Arudh in D-9 , it would just create confusion.

D-60 is the chart of maximum importance; even Parashara has rated this chart above lagan and navamsa.

This chart should be seen for all the matters.

Hence as an exception, Arudh in this chart are of great importance.

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