Saturn gives the “Best Results” in the 11th house

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In this article, we will try to understand that why Saturn give its best results in the 11th house.

Please Note, this planetary house placement has to be taken as per the Cusp or KP chart, not lagan chart, now why am I using cusp chart, to understand that you must read my article on cusp chart.

Here is the link:

Anyways coming back;

See, Saturn basically governs justice, i.e. he is a sole NYAYADHISH or Judge.

So what exactly a judge does, he gives you the reward or punishment as per our Karmas or actions and even the king i.e. Sun also cannot interfere in the Judgment process of Saturn. Such is the power of Saturn.

11th house is the house of gains or rewards, it’s also the 2nd house from 10th house, 10th house represents your actions, and 2nd house represents money or dhan. In other words the Money or dhan which we earn through our actions resides in your 11th house.

Now when Saturn gets placed in the 11th house, the person is assured of great rewards or the best rewards.

Here you all must also remember that Saturn is the MOST POWERFUL planet out of all 9 planets, yes you have read it right, it is indeed the most powerful planet and 11th house is the most powerful house from the angle of materialistic gains, hence when the most powerful planet get placed in the most powerful materialistic house and then obviously rewards are bound to be extra extra ordinary. Of course holistic analysis of chart is essential before giving any prediction.

Here you all must be thinking, that why Nikhil is not talking anything about the sign which a Saturn should occupy, so friends if Saturn happens to occupy its exaltation or own or friendly signs then obviously that would be an added advantage BUT you all must keep 1 point very clearly in your mind, i.e. BHAVA PLACEMENT of a PLANET HOLDS MUCH more importance than any other factor in Astrology and that is why I am discussing house placement here instead of discussing Saturn’s effect in 12 different signs.

Secondly Saturn’s aspect on 11th house, i.e. from 2nd, 5th and 9th houses are also beneficial for 11th house, but when Saturn is placed in the 2nd, 5th and 9th houses then it does harms the parameters of these very houses.

Thirdly, I also wish to mention that Malefics generally give good results in the Upachaya Sthan i.e. 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses.

Fourthly, Saturn also gives good results in the 7th and 12th houses after meeting few conditions.

Lastly I wish to inform you all that out of the top 10 most powerful people on earth as on Feb 2017, 5 people are rulers of the nation i.e. Russian President Mr Putin, US president Mr. Trump, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese president Mr Jingping and Indian Prime Minister Mr Modi

Now I do not have the birth details of Chinese President but rest all others have Saturn in their 11th house as per the cusp chart.

Out of the rest 5, I have the birth details of only Mr Bill gates, Pope and Mr Zuckerberg, and all these 3 people also have their Saturn aspecting their 11th house.

Lastly the placement of Saturn in the 11th house is more desirable than its aspect i.e. placement is always more powerful than aspect.

Do I really need to say anything more about the power of Saturn in 11th house?

Thanks for reading this article.

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