Nikhil, Specializes in more or less every tool of Vedic Astrology, which has made his approach more practical, approachable and understandable.
He has analyzed more than 1,00000 horoscopes till date, which has collectively given his predictions and research a strong spine of experience.
He is the author of 102 conceptual articles on astrology and other occult subjects which can be found on his website “www.nikhilworld.com”. Many of his Videos can also be seen on his YouTube Channel which he has launched very recently. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTh6-a-irIh-_cbWjicvylg/featured
Big Media Houses like Danik bhaskar (DB) Digital, UC web Media and Daily Motion also runs his Videos on their platforms.
Nikhil has been extremely accurate in his analysis w.r.t to his predictions related to individual horoscopy. He employs the techniques advocated by Rishi Parashara and Jaimini. He also holds a great degree of command in Nadi Astrology.
Many of Nikhil’s occult articles get their space on the very first page in the Google search results. For instance merely typing popular astrology Key words like “Cusp chart” or “Navamsa chart”, “Raj Yogas”, “D-60 chart”, “D-108 chart”, “Nadi Astrology marriage”, “Neechbhang Raj Yoga”, “Pushkar Navamsa” etc, on Google search engine, will straight away give you the links of Nikhil’s articles on the very 1st page, out of lakhs and crores of search results.
In other words, Nikhil has clearly singlehandedly placed all of Ancient India’s occult subjects on global platforms. On Internet hardly any other Astrologer could even contemplate to match the feat which Nikhil has already achieved, since all of the facts mentioned above have given him the worldwide reach amongst millions of astrology enthusiasts.
My Vedic Astrology Page, supported by More than 30000 people worldwide (Vedic Astrology/Jyotish Vidhya)-Largest on whole internet as well as on facebook in terms of membership and active discussions corresponding to this subject.
Vedic Astrology Back up Page:
Astrological Writings and Works:
Nikhil has written numerous astrological articles which are present on his website and forums:
1) Purpose of Astrology
2) Method to determine conception time
3) Color science and Astrology
4) How to see the next birth (D-108 chart)
5) Hidden Fortune (D-81 chart)
6) D-60 chart and Moola dasha
7) Relevance of Karakamsa chart from D-60 Chart
8) Concept of Retrograde
9) Mundane Astrology
10) Unique relation between sun and moon
11) Reasons behind calculations of Arudh
12) Gems and Astrology
13) Betting and Astrology
14) How to analyze married life
15) Black magic(Abhichara) and Astrology
16) Case study related to missing girl-Antonia
17) Third eye and Astrology(Maha Bhakti or great devotion combinations)
18) Why the chart of native under 12 years should not be seen.
19) Atmakarka Dissection.
20) How to establish, Strength of a Planet
21) Lunar nodes(Rahu and Ketu)
22) Rahu and Ketu- Real Meaning
23) Brushing up-Basic Concepts of Astrology
24) Very important tips for reading charts.
25) Some rare concepts of astrology.
26) Parivartan or Exchange of planets
27) Neecha-Bhanga or cancellation of debilitation of a planet
28) Astrologically- Right time for intercourse.
29) Very important tips for reading charts.
30) Some rare concepts of astrology.
31) How does Marak function
32) Pak Lagan
33) Karkamsa and swamsa chart.
34) How to use the transits.
35) Darakaraka, darapad, AL and UL
36) Kashinath Hora & Narayana Dasha
37) Powerful Raj Yogas.
38) Simple but most powerful Raj Yogas.
39) Identifying an extraordinary chart
40) Amrit Yogas.
41) Observations on divisional chart
42) Navamsa and its hidden concepts
43) Pushkar Navamsa
44) Geometry and Astrology- Bhavath Bhavam Principle
45) Cusp Chart or KP chart(Placidus System)
46) Dig Bala
47) Why in India People Give water to Sun
48) How to identify the cause and nature of death
49) Amrit Yogas
50) Good Placements of planets-Ascendant Wise.
51) Astrology-sins of current and past lives
52) Profession and Astrology
53) Hidden Loss (D-144 chart) [Dwadasamsa Dwadasamsa chart]
54) Features of GREAT Emperor Birth chart or Horoscope
55) Very Rare Astrological Birth Details of Greatest Personalities
56) Few Raj Yogas cannot make you a KING
57) Saturn Stories
58) Astrology and Patches on face
Nadi Astrology Related
59) Nadi astrology and married life
60) Nadi astrology and diseases
61) Secrets of Nadi Astrology part I
62) Secrets of Nadi Astrology part II
63) Concept of Jeeva and Sarira
64) Separation and Nadi Astrology