The subject of palmistry also has its own fascination in the eyes of Nikhil. Indeed, He has been practicing palmistry since Year 2000, this was the phase when Nikhil, didn’t even knew the basics of Astrology. How many hands he have handled till now cannot be even estimated, as the exact number could be huge.
His forum on Palmistry(Name: palmistry and Palmistry) has been the Biggest till date on whole “Facebook”
supported by close to 18000 people worldwide which also include the participation of top palmists in the world.
My Palmistry Page (Palmistry and Palmistry)-Largest on whole internet as well as on facebook in terms of membership and active discussions corresponding to this subject
Few of the write ups he has written Related to palmistry:
Palmistry Related
1) Important tips Palmistry and Astrology
2) Relationship and Palmistry
3) Health and palmistry
4) Signs and marks on Hand.
5) Mark of a fish.
6) Palmistry- cycle of life and death.
7) Important Points about Good Venus mount
8) Fingers Interpretations
9) How to Identify the hands of a serial killer
10) Simian Line