Simple but Most powerful Raj yogas

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Simple but Most Powerful Raj Yogas

Many a times it happens that, we do not lay appropriate emphasis on the “the MOST POWERFUL points” w.r.t planets placed in the chart.

Just because they look so SIMPLE to BELIEVE in one go.

Always remember that things which look very simple are the most important ones.

Our ancient rishis have written such Raj yogs so simply and clearly that we cannot see it clearly.

That’s the IRONY.

Why? Because;

Those yogs have some coded meaning I would here uncover those aspects.

so lets see those yogs which you all must have read but still could not understand their level of importance.

If JUPITER alone occupies Lagan in strength (well placed in navamsa).

Point to understand here is: Jupiter should be ALONE in strength

Do not apply the result by taking conjunction of Jupiter with 3rd, 6th, 8th, 12th lords etc.

Also this Jupiter should not be lord of 3rd, 6th, 8th houses.

Now This Jupiter will destroy all negative aspects in chart(will make the native – A king) just like Sun eliminate all darkness, just like all sins are destroyed by surrendering ourselves in front of lord shiva with full faith.

In place of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury would also serve the same purpose.

Only condition is Venus or Mercury or Jupiter should be alone and should have full rays.

If Jupiter is placed in simh or dhanu rashi and all the other planets are placed in “Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn”

Then the native would lord over the whole country

Sun in 3rd house (Alone)

Jupiter in 5th house (Alone)

and Moon in 9th house (Alone)

All three should be in appropriate strength.

Rest all the planets should be in 11th house.

The native would be equivalent to lord KUBER in wealth

Sun in 3rd house (alone)

Venus in 4th house (alone)

Mercury in 5th or 2nd house (alone)

All the above planets should be in strength.

No planet should be present in 10th and 12th houses.

And no planet should be in its deliberated sign.

THE Native would lord over 3 oceans of the world.

Venus, Jupiter and Moon in Kendra

Sun, Saturn and Mercury in trikond (5th and 9th houses- lagan should not be included)

Mars in 10th

Native would remain undefeated king till decades.

Jupiter in 3rd house (alone in strength)

Venus in 8th house (alone in strength)

and all the other planets should be placed between Jupiter and Venus.

Native would most definitely ascend to the throne.

IF Saturn is placed in 10th house, in its own sign (Makar or kumbh).


(With appropriate strength in navamsa)

Native would have highest stature amongst kings or he would be king of kings.

Obviously the dasha of Saturn would be required to have such fal.

This may condition may look quite insufficient to make such prediction, but this is not the case.

If Jupiter is placed in lagan or 5th house

and Moon is placed in 10th house

Both should be in strength.

and should be ALONE

The native would be a very intelligent king.

If Saturn and Moon are placed in lagan

and Jupiter, Sun are placed in trikond.

Native would become a king.

All 4 should be in strength.

Note that in all the Raj yogs which I have mentioned here in this thread.

If there is no information available about the rest of the planets, consider them to be placed in 11th,2nd,9th, 12th or 3rd houses.

If Sun and Mercury are placed in 10th house (In strength)

and Mars, Rahu in 6th house.

The native would become a king.

If any of the Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn (should be exalted or swarashi) are placed in Kendra in strength (ALONE)

and if it(that particular planet out of Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Saturn(in exaltation or swarashi) conjunct with Rahu, Ketu the Raj yog would become all the more powerful.

There should not be presence of guru chandal yog, if Jupiter is the said planet

If yog of Moon and Saturn happens to occur in cancer or Makar lagan

(no other planet should occupy Kendra)

With Jupiter, Sun, Mercury in 5th and 9th houses.

and if all the above planets are in strength.

The native would reign over the whole country.

When Jupiter is placed in lagan in MITHUN (alone)- In strength

Mercury is placed in 7th house in dhanu rashi…in strength-ALONE

Venus is placed in 11th house (Alone) in mesh rashi in strength

Sun in 9th house in kumbh (alone) in strength

Moon in 2nd house (swarashi).-ALONE

Saturn in 12th house in vrish rahi( in strength)-ALONE

and Mars in 10th house in meena(in strength)-ALONE

The native will rule over the WHOLE WORLD.

Note: you can very well see, that Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Sun though not swarashi but are aspecting their own signs fully.

This is actually giving power to the yog.

Jupiter and Mercury are engaged in rashi paraivartan (giving strength to lagan and 7th house)

Mars and Jupiter here have dig bal, Saturn is always very strong in 12th house (in not under any malefic influence).

Moon is swarashi in 2nd house.


Moon is placed in simh rashi..

Sun is placed in kanya rashi..

Mercury in Tula

Venus in vrishchik

Mars in dhanu,

and Jupiter in vrishchik or dhanu.

Saturn, Rahu and Ketu should not occupy their deliberated signs or should not be in their enemy signs.

Note:- Each planet in this yog is placed 2nd from its sign.

The native would become a very powerful king reigning over the whole nation (This yog is partially present in the chart of Mrs Margarat Thatcher -she had been PM of Britain for 3 continuous terms – only lady in the history had achieved such kind of success)

If Venus is placed in lagan in strength (Alone)

and Moon is placed in 4th or 10th house(Alone)

the native would become a king//(this yog is present in the chart of Mrs Margarat Thatcher)

When Mars is present in the 10th house in strength(alone)

Moon is placed in 4th house (in strength)- ALONE

Jupiter is present in lagan (in strength) -alone.

Rest all planet should be present in 11th, 2nd, 3rd, 9th or 12th houses.

The native would rule over the whole nation.

(This yog could be seen partially in the chart of president of China- Mr. HU jintao)

When Venus is placed in lagan-alone, in strength

Moon is placed in 7th house in strength (Alone)

rest of the planets should be placed in 9th,11th,2nd,12th,3rd houses.

The native would rule over the whole nation.

This yog could be very well seen in the chart of Mr. Dimitry Medvedev (Current Russian president)

If Jupiter alone is placed in lagan with strength

and Venus is placed in 4th house (alone ) in strength.

rest all the planets could be placed in 3rd,2nd,11th,9th,12th houses.

The native would become king (see the chart of Lata Mangeshkar)


If Venus alone is placed in lagan with strength

And Jupiter in 4th (alone) in strength

rest all the planets could be placed in 3rd,2nd,11th,9th,12th houses.

The native would be equivalent to king (See the chart of Rahul Gandhi)


If Jupiter alone is placed in lagan with strength

and Venus in 10th (alone) in strength.

Rest all the planets could be placed in 3rd, 2nd, 11th, 9th, 12th houses.

The native would be equivalent to king (see the chart of Mr. Michael Jackson)


If Venus alone is placed in lagan with strength

and Jupiter in 7th (alone) in strength.

rest all the planets could be placed in 3rd,2nd,11th,9th,12th houses.

The native would be equivalent to king.

(See the chart of Vladimir putin- ex president of Russia and current PM of Russia)

If Venus or Mars alone is placed in 10th house (in strength)

and Moon or Jupiter is placed in 7th house (alone ) in strength.

AND REST ALL the planets should be placed in 11th house.

The native would rule over the whole nation.

This yog is partially present in the chart of Emperor Jahangir

If Jupiter alone in strength is placed in 10th house (no other planet is required in Kendra)

and rest all the planets are placed in 2nd or 11th or 3rd houses.

It would make native rule over the whole nation.

This yog could be partially seen in the chart of emperor shahjahan

When Sun is placed in 10th house in simh (alone)

Saturn in 12th house (alone)

Mars in 3rd house (alone)

Rest all the planets should be placed in 11th house.

The native would lord over the whole world.

This is a very special Raj yog.

When Sun is placed in 3rd house

Saturn in 6th house and Mars in 11th house (All three should be placed ALONE and in strength)

This yog goes by the name of “purnachandrama” yog

When Jupiter is placed in cancer lagan and Moon is placed in 11th house (Both should be placed alone in strength)

This yog goes by the name of “Kamad” yog

When Jupiter is placed in Cancer lagan and Sun in 11th house (Both should be placed alone in strength)

This yog goes by the name of “Pundrik” yog

When Venus is placed in lagan, Moon in 4th house and Sun in 11th (All three should be placed alone in strength)

This yog goes by the name of “shatruanjyay” yog

When Venus is placed in lagan, Moon in 4th house and Jupiter in 10th house (All three should be placed alone in strength)

This yog goes by the name of “mrigendra” yog

ALL the ABOVE mentioned yogs, makes one a powerful king (Also Traveling for war purposes, if done in the above Yogas, gives victory)

Another form of MAHA Matsya Raj yog mentioned in Deva keralam

Whenever Jupiter or Venus or both occupies the Rashi identical with the Navamsa rashi of 9th lord in the lagan chart, this great yog occurs.

Native would be an Astrologer, very Merciful, Ocean of virtues, be a king, firm in disposition, will attract females, will have a charming personality, will be endowed with good spouse, sons, intelligence and abundant wealth, will head a country.

Moksha yoga

Whenever Jupiter or Venus or both are placed in the rashi which is 12th from Navamsa ascendant, identical with Lagan

The native would most certainly beget Moksha

Another form of kala Nidhi yoga;

1) Laganesh should be placed in Kendra with dig bal

2) Jupiter and Venus should simultaneously aspect or conjunct this laganesh.

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