Very Rare Astrological Birth Details of Greatest Personalities

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:

Nowhere in this world, would you find the exact birth details of so many HUGE/GREATEST personalities, at one place. So here is the gift of your friend Nikhil to all you people, who always wished to analyze the birth charts of such great people, but never even had their exact birth details. In many cases even the year of the birth was not known and is not available anywhere on the internet but here you will not only find the exact date of birth but even their exact birth time.

Use Jagannath Hora Software (along with Drik Siddhanta and Traditional Lahiri Ayanamsa) – Also do not forget to use the corresponding Cusp chart.

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There may be 1000’s kings and emperors born on this earth in the last 6000 years, but none of them could match the level of the following great personalities.

Emperor Pandava Dharmraj Yudhishthar

27th July 3229 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

12:29:35pm (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Delhi, India

Great Mahabharata warrior Karana

15th Nov 3245 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

02:49:47 pm (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Delhi, India

Great Pandava warrior Bheema

04th Aug 3228 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

11:56:51 am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Delhi, India

Kuru Warrior Duryodhan

05th Aug 3228 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

08:26:24am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Delhi, India

Lord Krishna

24th June 3227 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

12:01:32 am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Mathura, India

Great Pandava warrior Arjuna

09th Jan 3226 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

04:03:55am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Delhi, India

Pandava warrior Nakul and Sahdev

15th Dec 3226 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

02:00 to 03:00 pm (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Delhi, India

Great Mahabharata warrior Ganga Putra Bheeshma

09th Aug 3300 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

12:38:16am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Delhi, India

Emperor Chandragupta Maurya (One of Greatest Emperor of Mauryan Empire)

23rd Nov 340 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

08:43:42am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Patna, India

Emperor Bindusara (Father of Emperor Ashoka and Son of Emperor Chandragupta Maurya)

29th Sep 317 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

10:25:40am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Patna, India

Emperor Asoka (One of Greatest Emperor of Mauryan Empire)

29th Jan 304 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

08:29:38 am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Patna, India

Emperor Vikramaditya (One of the greatest Emperors of all times)

25th Jan 100 BC (Source: Nikhil’s research)

8:24:57 am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Ujjain, India

Emperor Samudragupta the great (Greatest Emperor of Gupta Empire)

25th Oct 312 AD (Source: Nikhil’s research)

09:22:10am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Patna, India

Emperor Chandragupta II (One of Greatest Emperor of Gupta Empire)

01st April 342 AD (Source: Nikhil’s research)

10:08:38am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Patna, India

Genghis Khan (Founder of Mongol empire)

18th Aug 1160 AD (Source: Nikhil’s research)

01:57:16 am (Source: Nikhil’s research)

Khentii, Mongolia

Kublai Khan (Greatest emperor of Mongol empire, Yuan Empire)

23rd Sep 1215 AD

09:16am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Karakorum, Mongolia

Ivan III the Great (One of the greatest emperor of Russian Empire)

22nd Jan 1440

08:59:01am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Moscow, Russia

Henry VIII of England

07th July 1491

08:45am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Greenwich, UK

Suleiman the Magnificent (Greatest emperor of Ottoman Empire)

06th Nov 1494

08:28:20pm (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Trabzon, Turkey

Emperor Akbar (Greatest Emperor of Mughal Empire)

25th Oct 1542 AD

09:15:45 am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Umarkot, Pakistan

Abbas I of Persia (Greatest emperor of Safavid Empire)

27th Jan 1571

08:19am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Herat, Afghanistan

Louis XIV of France (Longest Serving Monarch in European History)

05th Sep 1638

11:13:52 am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

Emperor Kangxi (one of the longest reigning emperor of Qing Empire and in world history)

04th May 1654

07:40:06am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Beijing, China

Emperor George II

09th Nov 1683

05:04:58am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Hanover, Germany

Emperor Qianlong (Greatest emperor of Qing Empire)

25th Sep 1711 AD,

08:54:03am, (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Beijing, China

George III of England

04th June 1738

08:31:39 am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

London, UK

Muhammad Ali Pasha (One of the greatest emperor of Ottoman Empire)

04th March 1769 AD

08:24:20am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Kavala, Greece

Nicholas I of Russia

06th July 1796

09:03:07 am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Tsarskoye Selo, Russia

Queen Victoria (Longest serving British Monarch)

24th May 1819

04:16:57am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

London, UK

King Krishna Raj Wadiyar of Mysore (Wealthiest man on earth of his times and the most praised king in recent history)

04th June 1884 AD

09:16:03am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Mysore, India

Mao Tse-tung of China (Founding father of China)

26th Dec 1893

08:07:14am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Siangtan, China

Queen Elizabeth (One of the longest Serving Monarch in current times)

21st April 1926 AD

02:40am (Available on net)

London, UK

King Bhumibol of Thailand (One of the longest Serving Monarch in current times)

05th Dec 1927 AD

08:44:33am (Exact time rectified by Nikhil)

Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

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