
Read your Handwriting

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Many years back when I was doing my engineering, I had started writing a book on Handwriting reading, but unfortunately due to many other commitments, I was not getting the appropriate time to give that work few last


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How does MARAK (which can Kill) PLANET FUNCTION?

In my discussions with many senior astrologers, I have noticed that very very few people have complete clarity in their mind w.r.t Marak grah i.e. How to use it?

Is it that


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Kashinath Hora chart & Narayan Dasha

There are 11-12 different forms of Hora chart, each signifying a different aspect But when we talk about Hora chart in general, the first thing which comes to our mind is “WEALTH”, Kashi

End of the world

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Is the FINAL END of WORLD Really APPROACHING or it’s a HYPE?

Well this is the hottest topic of modern times. So many predictions from the courtyard of every culture have indeed kept this question alive. Which question?

Whether the

Right time for intercourse

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Astrologically-Right Time for intercourse

This being an extremely sensitive issue, is rarely discussed in astrological conferences and communities therefore I want to take it up and discuss the concepts related to it in detail.

In the modern times, because of

Third Eye and Astrology

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Third Eye and Jyotish/MAHA BHAKTI YOGAS

We all believe that Lord Shiva has three eyes, It also is believed that at the time of destruction, Lord shiva opens up his third eye which actually becomes the source of energy

Neechabhanga Raj Yoga

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ALL about NEECHBHANGRAJA YOGA (Cancellation of debilitation)

NBRY is a very common term amongst all the preachers of astrology but its actual significance is understood by only few.

That’s why I decided to write something related to this concept.

Ok, so

Color Science and Astrology

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This is again a very interesting topic which somebody requested to me today itself. In fact after giving it a full read to this article, you will find definitely yourself nearer to God, science and of- course Astrology.


How to see the next birth(D-108)

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Only few know about this, this is indeed the rarest concept of Vedic astrology. No astrological text had ever disclosed this.
Yes we have all read that 5th house represents future birth, some say that 8th house

Rahu and Ketu(Lunar Nodes)

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Rahu and Ketu-Lets talk about them;


1) They amplIfy the power of their depositor.

in their dasha antardasha.

(Lord of rashi in which they are sitting)

2)  They amplIfy the power of planets sitting with them or aspecting them.

so they are nothing but

How to analyze married life

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I think, analysis of married life, attracts almost whole of the world. There is hardly any person on this planet who does not want to know about this knowledge.

Reason is very simple, people are most concerned about this

Extreme SuperMoon

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Extreme Super moon

The phenomenon like extreme super-moon is never the single factor which causes a catastrophe. If an astrologer purely blames ONLY the condition of the moon behind any catastrophe then they are only giving the so called

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