
Palmistry-cycle of life and death

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See every part of our body to every cell in our constitution is a complete universe in itself and all of them always invite us to look at them and understand the creation, magic and story of God.


Health and Palmistry

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Health Guidelines-Palmistry

People are asking me to write more about this science of hand; hence I have again decided to shed some more light in this branch of divinity.

I could have started with the types of hand, types of

Relationships and Palmistry

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Many palmists while predicting still do not take every factor into account.

For instance, if you want to predict anything with respect to relationships, then not only Vivah or marriage rekha or jaya sthan(mount of mercury) is important but

Mark of a Fish

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It a very auspicious and rare mark which can give ultimate wisdom, knowledge and evergrowing fame, these kind of people can remain unaffected by the worldly pursuits just like the fish remain unaffected by the water but only

How to identify the hands of a serial killer

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1) All the lines would be of a dark color(towards black), lines would also be very deep and broad.

2) Dhan rekha(or mind line) would shoot upwards towards the bandha rekha(heart line), some branches from this dhan rekha(Mind line)

Fingers interpretations

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In the past few years, I have observed the analysis style of many palmists but unfortunately, as usual the people prefer to be more theoretical rather than practical and that is because the implementation process of those theoretical

Important Points about GOOD Venus Mount

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Life line or Atman rekha should surrounds or encircle this mount appropriately, now what do I exactly mean by this or in which case it will happen:
Place your thumb absolutely close(attached) to your palm, now Atma rekha should

How to use Transits

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There are 3 basic concepts when we make use of transits.

1) The Gochara or transit aspect

2) Vedha (obstruction)

3) Vipreet Vedha (reverse vedha)

I would be explaining you all these three concepts one by one…though all the three concepts should

How to establish, Strength of a Planet

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Even for the well experienced Astrologer, sometimes it becomes difficult to identify a really powerful chart.

Most of the astrologers knowingly or unknowingly, do give more importance to Sthan bal as compared to other bal and even if they

Some very Rare concepts of Astrology

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So let’s start

IF the native have a strong influence of Saturn in 2nd and 8th house, money loss will be there till 36th yr, his health would suffer at the age of 19.
Placement of Mars in 5th and sat

Very Important tips for reading charts

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:

Many a times, I have seen astrologers applying few concepts in a wrong way or not using “at all” few basic methods etc.

Here, I would like to list all those very important things related to falit Jyotish. (Predictive

Brushing up-Basic Concepts of Astrology

Note: For the latest version of this article, visit Nikhil Gupta’s new website:

Generally beginners and sometimes even established Astrologers tend to miss out on few basic facts and concepts which are actually the base of any prediction. As a result, predictions go wrong.

Here I will be stressing on those very

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